Here you will find plants which we believe to be very ornamental. This criteria is somewhat arbitrary, and you may not have ever heard about some plants included here; this does not mean that they are bad; simply, few people tried them or no information and

Acacia dealbata Family:Fabaceae F | Acaena antarctica Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena argentea Family:Rosaceae N |
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This is an exotic plant, very invasive in central areas of Chile, but also very beautful due to its abundant golden flowers. In Chile entire areas turn gold in early spring when it begins to bloom.
It was used as a source of yellow dye from flowers and for soil stabilization due...
| The germination of this species is not very complicated, but you should do the cold stratification. You can avoid it by planting the seeds in autumn and exposing them to natural cold stratification during winter time. If you decide to do it "scientifically," soak the seeds for two...

Acaena pinnatifida Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena sericea Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena splendens Family:Rosaceae G |
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The plant is very beautiful and stange-looking when it is blooming, it has nice leaves, but when the fruits reach maturity it becomes extremely unpleasant - the fruits have sharp and quite strong thorns which get entangled in the clothing and make walking across the fields of these plants in Chile...

Acrisione denticulata Family:Asteraceae N | Adesmia longipes Family:Fabaceae N | Aextoxicon punctatum Family:Aextoxicaceae N |
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This is interesting shrub from the asteraceae family. It offers silver foliage and beautiful yellow-colored flowers which will glow from far away. It is not very hardy, so that it can tolerate only frost, not snow. It grows relatively fast and will reward you with beautiful bouquets of yellow...

Ageratina glechonophylla Family:Asteraceae G | Albizia lopthantha Family:Fabaceae F | Alonsoa meridionalis Family:Scrophulariaceae E |
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| This is a beautiful perennial plant with many fiery-red and strange looking flowers glowing along its branches. It is quite easy to germinate and to maintain, and it may flower even during the first year. For the second year you are guaranteed to have an adult plant of about 1 m. high. This plant...