Chile has many edible plants which have a high potential of becoming commercial or semi-commercial exotic fruit crops. Once again, no much information was available on their nutritional properties and commercial potentiality, but we are convinced that about 12 -16 species will eventually become widely known and commercially grown.

Acacia dealbata Family:Fabaceae F | Alstroemeria aurea English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae N | Araucaria araucana Family:Araucariaceae N |
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This is an exotic plant, very invasive in central areas of Chile, but also very beautful due to its abundant golden flowers. In Chile entire areas turn gold in early spring when it begins to bloom.
It was used as a source of yellow dye from flowers and for soil stabilization due...
| Another interesting Alstroemeria. It is one of the first to be taken out of Chile for propagation and it served as a genetic pool for creating new vaireties. It is rather high (reaching up to 1 m), so it is best suited for outdoor growing. Not very demanding, but still you need to provide good...
| No doubt that this is one of the most famous Chilean plants. It is huge, tall, sturdy, strange-looking, it bark very reminiscent of the dinosaur skin, and this comparision is not too far fetched, because it is one of the oldest families of trees on earth. In addition, it also one of the long-living...

Aristotelia chilensis Family:Elaeocarpaceae N | Azorella compacta Family:Apiaceae N | Berberis actinacantha English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae E |
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This is a medicinal and edible plant which is very common in many parts of Chile. The seeds were used for brewing wine and chicha, a Chilean alcoholic bevearage, or can be eaten raw, and the leaves were used to prepare an infusion for treating sore throat and for wound dressing. It germinates and...

Berberis chilensis English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae E | Berberis darwinii English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae N | Berberis empetrifolia English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae N |
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| This berberis plant, named in honor of Darwin, has the typical appearance of berberis - with its thorny leaves, thorns on the branches, yellow nice flowers, and blue edible fruits. It is relatively easy to cultivate and will reward you with a somewhat strange appearance and at the same time it will...

Berberis glomerata English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae E | Berberis ilicifolia Family:Berberidaceae N | Berberis microphylla English Name:Barberry Family:Berberidaceae N |
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