Acacia caven English Name:Roman Cassie/Aromita/Aromo Criollo Family:Fabaceae N | Acaena caespitosa Family:Rosaceae S | Alstroemeria angustifolia English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E |
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This is a small tree or shrub, quite common in Chile. It is easy to germinate and easy grow, it grows quite fast, reaching almost 2 m. by the end of the second year. It is not demanding in as far as soil is concerned, and requires little watering. It is not very hardy, but can withstand freezing...
| This plant is common at medium elevations in central Chile and is easy to grow. Of the acaenas, it is not very known, but I find it very much attractive due to its small, compact leaves which form a carpet, small, almost pigmy size which would fit almost anyplace, and the fruits do not have the...

Alstroemeria aurea English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae N | Alstroemeria aurea var. red English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae | Alstroemeria exerens English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E |
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Another interesting Alstroemeria. It is one of the first to be taken out of Chile for propagation and it served as a genetic pool for creating new vaireties. It is rather high (reaching up to 1 m), so it is best suited for outdoor growing. Not very demanding, but still you need to provide good...
| This is a high mountain beautiful Alstroemeria. It is rather low, but has huge flowers, either pink or whitish The easiest form to germinate this species is to plant it in autumn and expose the seeds to natural temperature fluctuations. If you decide to do it "scientifically," soak...

Alstroemeria hookeri English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. incarnata English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Alstroemeria pelegrina English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E |
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| This is a very beautiful Alstroemeria. It germinates relatively easily, grows fast, is undemanding. It tolerates some freezing, but its natural habitat is the medium altitude mountains. In Chile it is quite common in several areas. The easiest form to germinate this species is to...
| This Alstroemeria was one of the first to be taken to Europe for cultivation. Its main disadvantage that in its natural habitat it does not tolerate freezing nor very high temperatures, because it grows very close to the shoreline, where the sea stabilizes the temperature...

Alstroemeria presliana English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima (white) English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Alstroemeria umbellata English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E |
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This Alstroemeria is not as showy as many other alstoemerias, and has delicate pink-colored medium sized flowers. It needs relatively rich soil, considerbale watering, and is snow-hardy. In its natural habitat it prefers shady places under the trees. The easiest form to germinate...
| This is a very robust and big Alstoemeria. It may have white or purple flowers and may reach 120 cm. It grows in areas where there are no freezing temperatures, on poor soils. The easiest form to germinate this species is to plant it in autumn and expose the seeds to natural...
| As many Chilean alstroemerias, this is a very beatiful flower. It has the advanatage that it grows low, and is ideally suited for potting, although of course it can be grown outside. The place where it grows is covered with snow for more than 4 months and - 10? C is frequent here" It needs loose,...