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Acacia caven Английское имя:Roman Cassie/Aromita/Aromo Criollo Семейство:Fabaceae
| Acaena alpina Семейство:Rosaceae
| Achillea millefolium Семейство:Asteraceae
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This is a small tree or shrub, quite common in Chile. It is easy to germinate and easy grow, it grows quite fast, reaching almost 2 m. by the end of the second year. It is not demanding in as far as soil is concerned, and requires little watering. It is not very hardy, but can withstand freezing...
| This is a very common plant in Chile, forming carpets in the higher reaches of the mountains, and all of the local huasos, the Chilean cowboys, know it too well, because it sticks to the skin of the horses, clothes, etc. The good thing about is that its thorns are relatively soft. Still it makes a...
| This is not exactly a beautiful plant, but its medicinal properties make its cultivation absolutely worthwhile and it is a real treasure for treating several diseases. For the seeds to germinate they need light, so one must sow them superficially. It has an extremely wide scope of...

Adesmia emarginata Семейство:Fabaceae
| Araucaria araucana Семейство:Araucariaceae
| Argemone hunnemannii Семейство:Papaveraceae
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This plant is a medicinal herb. The germination of seeds is easy provided that you break the outer protective skin of the seed. For just a few seeds use a nail-clipper or a file (you have just to scratch the surface, taking off maybe a flake). For larger batches you can use sulphuric...
| No doubt that this is one of the most famous Chilean plants. It is huge, tall, sturdy, strange-looking, it bark very reminiscent of the dinosaur skin, and this comparision is not too far fetched, because it is one of the oldest families of trees on earth. In addition, it also one of the long-living...
| This plant grows in relatively warm northern regions of Chile. It has beautiful big white flowers, which, when open, can reach 6 - 7 cm. in diameter. This plant being annual does not have restrictions as to the coldness of the zone where it can grow, all it needs is about 5 - 6 months of relatively...

Argemone subfusiformis Семейство:Papaveraceae
| Aristolochia chilensis Английское имя:birthwort/pipevine/Dutchman`s pipes Семейство:Aristolochiaceae
| Aristotelia chilensis Семейство:Elaeocarpaceae
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This is a very imposing annual plant, very easy to grow and spectacular to watch, due to its big yellow flowers, throny leaves, throny buds, and throny fruits. Once you establish the plant, it will resow automatically each year, and you will even obtain surpluss seeds for trading. Being an annual...
| This species is one of the two or three Aristolochias in Chile (it is still undecided whether one species is a valid species). It is one of the few insectivorous plants in Chile. Grows in relatively warm conditions (no frost), little watering, poor, sandy soils with good...
| This is a medicinal and edible plant which is very common in many parts of Chile. The seeds were used for brewing wine and chicha, a Chilean alcoholic bevearage, or can be eaten raw, and the leaves were used to prepare an infusion for treating sore throat and for wound dressing. It germinates and...

Azara microphylla Семейство:Flacourtiaceae
| Azorella compacta Семейство:Apiaceae
| Berberis empetrifolia Английское имя:Barberry Семейство:Berberidaceae
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