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Drimys winteri

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Da diese Samen nicht lange aufbewahrt werden können, wird es empfohlen, diese Samen nur in den folgenden Monaten zu erwerben: Februar-Mai
Diese Samen werden normalerweise im folgenden Monat gesammelt: Februar


BeutelUS$ 4

Eine Packung enthält mindestens 35 Samen.

Drimys winteri is an extremely important plant for the local Indians, the Mapuche. It was considered to be a symbol of peace, and it was almost obligatory to have on planted near one`s house for good luck and protection. Most peace treaties among the Indians were signed under the shade of this magic tree. On a more practical level, it is also a medicinal planty, a good source of vitamin C. It is also a tonic. It is relatively easy to grow, but the germination is rather lengthy, and may take several month. The seeds may not be dried out and must be planted fresh.