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Adesmia emarginata

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These seeds are generally restocked in: March
This item/quantity is temporarily out of stock.

Seeds packet:

packetUS$ 4This item/quantity is temporarily out of stock.
One packet contains at least 45 seeds.

This plant is a medicinal herb.
The germination of seeds is easy provided that you break the outer protective skin of the seed. For just a few seeds use a nail-clipper or a file (you have just to scratch the surface, taking off maybe a flake). For larger batches you can use sulphuric acid or mecahnical scarificators (please see specialized literature before attempting this, as use of concentrated acid is very dangerous). Soak the scarred seeds in water for about 24 hours. They should visiblly swell up. If not, yo have not scratched them sufficently. Plant immediately, and the seeds should germinate quickly. Needs good watering, exposure to sun, and soil with good drainage.