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Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. incarnata
Englisher Name:Inca Lily

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This is a very beautiful Alstroemeria. It germinates relatively easily, grows fast, is undemanding. It tolerates some freezing, but its natural habitat is the medium altitude mountains. In Chile it is quite common in several areas.
The easiest form to germinate this species is to plant it in autumn and expose the seeds to natural temperature fluctuations. If you decide to do it "scientifically," soak the seeds for a day or so in water, then put them into wet sand and put them into refrigerator at about +2 +5? C for about 30 days. Allow the seeds to breathe (ventilate from time to time) and check the humidity of the sand (it tends to dry out quickly, so adding moisture every three-four days is a must). Then take them out and plant at room temperatures. If not all seeds or few seeds germinate, repeat the cold step once more. This plant needs good drainage and relatively poor soil.