


눈과 얼음 2005-2009 © Michail Belov

An image of an iceberg (snow) on a temporary lake near Paso Vergara.Ice and Snow:An Image of IceBallet Dancer:These icicles are possible here because there is a lot of deep snow and temperatures are over 20º C.View of snow-covered mountains with icicles covering plants, in the evening, Vilches, Chile.
An image of a small iceberg of strange form floating on a lake at El Morado National Park.View of ice-covered slope, stones and frozen plants, Vilches, Lircay, Chile.Lake:Laguna Las Animas near Radal 7 TazasWinter Volcano:Llaima volcano near TemucoWaiting for Spring:
Sentinels:Remainder of snow near Santiago at 2200 m.Praying Monks:Or so they are called in Spanish - penitentes. They lament their inevitable death in a few days.The Condemned Army:More penitentes doomed due to global warming.Rebirth:An image of an ice wall on a small glacier lake at El Morado National Park.