


영구적인태평양의해안 2005-2009 © Michail Belov

Gardens on the Shore:An image of water property fenced off with nets, near Lota, Chile.An image of young a girl gathering seaweeds at Boyeruca, Chile.An image of a small wooden bridge.An image of Putu dunes with a person standing on one side.
An image of young plant growing out of sand, at Putu dunes, Chile.An image of seaside at dawn near Hueicolla.An image of a woman who is standing on a stone, waving, and holding a big dried peace of cochayuyo, local seaweed, at sunset, near Navidad, Chile.An image of a Predawn Shore Scenery on the Pacific Coast.Image of a solitary tall tree in a field on a foggy morning, near Puerto Saavedra and Budi lake.
An image of Dunes at CopiapoAn image of railway bridge on the Pacific coast near Lota.An image of a dried branch protruding from sand, Putu dunes, Chile.Squeezed:The Fury of the Sea:Pacific Ocean