


예소 댐: 후세를 향하는 창문으로 2005-2009 © Michail Belov

An image of the valley of Embalse de Yeso at night, with moon.An image of Embalse Yeso valley.An image of a wooden window frame through which a glacier of El Morado can be seen, taken from the road to Embalse de Yeso in the military barracks.An image of winter scenery at the Yeso dam lake with 6000 m high mountains in the rear.An image of Yeso Lake (Embalse Yeso) with a gypsum stone in the foreground.
Image of Adesmias in Embalse Yeso Valley.Image of dead Adesmias on a slope in the Embalse Yeso Valley.Image of Embalse Yeso Valley.Image of Yeso River Valley.Image of Shores of Embalse Yeso.