Image of Malesherbia multiflora (Piojillo)

Image of Malesherbia multiflora

IV Region, Camino Chungungo, Chile
Altitude: 46 m. 09 16, 2006

Species:  Malesherbia multiflora Ricardi
Family:  Malesherbiaceae Identification very doubtful, we must check it in the near future. Certainty 50 %.   
Order:  Violales
Chilean Name:  Piojillo
English Name: 
German Name: 
Russian Name: 
Record:  0644
About 29 Malesherbia in Chile and 5 in our data base.
About 29 Malesherbiaceae in Chile and 5 in our data base.

1st Region:
Lat: 18° - 21°
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21° - 26°
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26° - 29°
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29° - 32°
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32° - 33°
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33°- 34°
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34° - 35°
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35° - 36°
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó.
8th Region:
Lat: 36° - 38°
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38° - 39°
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón.
10th Region:
Lat: 39° - 44°
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44° - 49°
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49°- 55°
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-8° C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.     Some shadow. Some protection against direct sunlight, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.   Exposed, but with protection from direct sun through coastal fog (camanchaca).     Dry, arid areas, with long drought periods of 6 - 10 months. Precipitations of 100 mm - 300 mm. are concentrated in winter.   Coastal fog/camanchaca: The plants obtain water mainly from condensation.   
High altitude close to the timber line
High altitude close to the timber line
Medium altitude up to the timber line
High altitude close to the timber line
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
High altitude close to the timber line
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
High altitude close to the timber line
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m
Blue, 7 - 14 petals      Annual     

Endemic    Not Frequent

Height: 12 cm.

Some ornamental value (B)

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