Image of Mutisia subulata (Flor de la granada/Clavel del campo)

Image of Mutisia subulata

VII Region, Camino a Laguna Maule; Altitude: 500-2200 m. January 13, 2006





Latin Name:   Mutisia subulata Ruiz & Pav.
Family:   Asteraceae Identification doubtful, we are going to check it in the near future   
Order:   Asterales
Chilean Name:   Flor de la granada, Clavel del campo
English Name:  
German Name:  
Russian Name:  
Record:   0269
  About 34 Mutisia in Chile and 8 in our data base.
  About 1018 Asteraceae in Chile and 191 in our data base.



1st Region:
Lat: 18º - 21º
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21º - 26º
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26º - 29º
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29º - 32º
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32º - 33º
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33º- 34º
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34º - 35º
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35º - 36º
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó.
8th Region:
Lat: 36º - 38º
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38º - 39º
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón.
10th Region:
Lat: 39º - 44º
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44º - 49º
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49º- 55º
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)     Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.     Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.   
Low elevation, interior valleys
Low elevation, interior valleys
Medium elevation up to the timber line
Red, 7 - 14 petals      Shrub   Climber     

 Low germination, less than 30 %   

Endemic    Not Frequent

Excellent ornamental value (A +)


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Image of Mutisia subulata (Flor de la granada/Clavel del campo)

Image of Mutisia subulata

VII Region, Camino a Laguna Maule; Altitude: 500-2200 m. January 13, 2006





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If you are interested in the seeds of this and similar plants, click here. For seedlings, click here.



More species from the same Asteraceae family in our data base:


Achillea millefolium (Milenrama/Milflores/Milhojas/Aquilea/Altamisa)

Acrisione denticulata (Palpalén/Palo de yegua)

Ageratina glechonophylla (Barba de viejo)

Aristeguietia salvia (Salvia macho/Pegajosa/Pega-pega)

Aster squamatus

Aster vahlii (Estrella/Aster)

Baccharis linearis (Romerillo)

Baccharis macraei (Vautro)

Baccharis magellanica (Chilco de Magallanes)

Baccharis marginalis

Baccharis neaei

Baccharis nivalis

Baccharis racemosa (Chilca/Chilco)

Baccharis rhomboidalis (baccharis L.Maule)

Baccharis sagittalis (Verbena de tres esquinas)

Baccharis sp. #1481 (Small leaves/tomentose)

Bahia ambrosoides (Chamiza blanca/Manzanilla cimarrona)

Bellis perennis (Margarita de los prados/Margaritilla/Primavera)

Bidens aurea (Falso Te)

Carthamus lanatus (Cardilla)

Centaurea chilensis (Flor del minero)

Centaurea solstitialis (Abrepuño amarillo)

Centaurea sp. #1499

Chaetanthera apiculata (Chinita)

Chaetanthera chilensis var. tenuifolia

Chaetanthera ciliata

Chaetanthera glabrata (Chinita)

Chaetanthera linearis

Chaetanthera lycopodioides

Chaetanthera moenchioides

Chaetanthera sp.

Chaetanthera sp.

Chaetanthera spathulifolia

Chaetanthera villosa (Chinita)

Chamomilla suaveolens (Manzanilla)

Chiliotrichum rosmarinifolium (Romerillo)

Chuquiraga oppositifolia (Hierba blanca)

Chuquiraga ulicina

Cichorium intybus (Chicorea/Achicoria)

Cirsium vulgare (Cardo negro)

Cotula coronopifolia (Botón de oro)

Cynara cardunculus (Cardo penquero/Cardo de castilla)

Dasyphyllum diacanthoides (Trevo/Palo santo/Palo blanco/Tayu)

Encelia canescens (Coronilla del fraile)

Erigeron gilliesii

Erigeron leptopetalus

Flourensia thurifera (Maravilla del campo/Incienso)

Gamocheta sp. #1542

Gnaphalium sp. #1582

Gnaphalium sp. #1518

Gnaphalium sp. #1622 (Vira-vira)

Gochnatia foliolosa (Mira-mira)

Haplopappus foliosus (Cuerno de cabra)

Haplopappus multifolius (Bailahuén)

Haplopappus sp.

Haplopappus sp. #1571

Haplopappus sp. #1597

Haplopappus sp. #1600

Haplopappus sp. #1669

Haplopappus sp. #1670

Haplopappus sp. #1489

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Haplopappus sp. #1535

Haplopappus sp. #1541

Haplopappus sp. #1548

Haplopappus sp. #1589

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Haplopappus sp. #1656

Haploppapus sp. #1677

Haploppapus sp. #1680

Haploppapus sp. #1681

Haploppapus sp. #1547

Haploppapus sp. #1550

Helenium aromaticum (Manzanilla del cerro)

Hypochaeris sp. #1676 (Cerrajilla)

Hypochoeris acaulis (Hierba del chancho)

Lapsana communis

Leptocarpha rivularis (Palo negro)

Leucheria gilliesii (Leucheria)

Leucheria lithospermifolia (Leucheria)

Leucheria sp. #1621

Leucheria sp. #1625

Leucheria sp. #1645

Leucheria sp. #1648

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Lucilia nivea (Lucilia)

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Madia chilensis

Madia sativa (Melosa/Madia)

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Mutisia ilicifolia (Clavel del campo)

Mutisia linearifolia (Clavel del campo)

Mutisia oligodon

Mutisia sp. similar Cana #0649

Mutisia subulata (Flor de la granada/Clavel del campo)

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Nassauvia aculeata (Hierba de la culebra)

Nassauvia argentea (Nassauvia)

Nassauvia axillaris (Calahuala)

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Nassauvia lagascae (Repollito/Nassauvia pigmea)

Nassauvia looseri

Nassauvia pyramidalis (Nassauvia de espiga densa)

Nassauvia revoluta (Nassauvia)

Nassauvia uniflora

Perezia carthamoides (Estrella blanca de cordillera)

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Senecio subdiscoideus

Solidago chilensis (Fulel)

Sonchus sp. #1560

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Taraxacum officinale (Diente de león/Lechuguilla)

Triptilion spinosum (Siempreviva)

Viguiera revoluta (Maravilla del cerro)

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Xanthium spinosum (Cepacaballo/Abrojo/Clonqui)

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Unidentified Plant #1851

Unidentified Plant #1852

Unidentified Plant #1853

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