Image of Campsidium valdivianum (Pilpilvoqui/Voqui de canasta)

Image of Campsidium valdivianum

XI Region, Lago Colico; Altitude: 500 m. May 21, 2006





Latin Name:   Campsidium valdivianum (Phil.) Skottsb.
Family:   Bignoniaceae Identification OK   
Order:   Scrophulariales
Chilean Name:   Pilpilvoqui, Voqui de canasta
English Name:  
German Name:  
Russian Name:  
Record:   0397
  About 1 Campsidium in Chile and 1 in our data base.
  About 15 Bignoniaceae in Chile and 3 in our data base.



1st Region:
Lat: 18º - 21º
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21º - 26º
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26º - 29º
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29º - 32º
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32º - 33º
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33º- 34º
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34º - 35º
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35º - 36º
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó.
8th Region:
Lat: 36º - 38º
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38º - 39º
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón.
10th Region:
Lat: 39º - 44º
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44º - 49º
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49º- 55º
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)     Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.   Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)     Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).   
Low elevation, interior valleys
Low elevation, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m
Low elevation, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m
Red, 5 petals      Shrub   Climber     


Native    Not Frequent

Height: 15 m.

Good ornamental value (A)


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Image of Campsidium valdivianum (Pilpilvoqui/Voqui de canasta)

Image of Campsidium valdivianum

XI Region, Lago Colico; Altitude: 500 m. May 21, 2006





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If you are interested in the seeds of this and similar plants, click here. For seedlings, click here.



More species from the same Bignoniaceae family in our data base:


Argylia sp. #1556

Campsidium valdivianum (Pilpilvoqui/Voqui de canasta)

Eccremocarpus scaber (Chupa-chupa/Chupa-poto)



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