This is one of the most rare plants in Chile. Currently, it is known to grow in one very restricted area with two locations. It has beautiful and big white flowers and grows like a small shrub. We have not tried out this plant yet, but it appears that it would need rich organic, somewhat acid soil, a lot of shade, quite a bit of watering, and frost and occasional snowfall seems not to be a problem. This plant is known to grow only in one very restricted area near Vilches. According to Flora de Chile, p. 44. the location is given as latitude 35?36`, at 500 m. above sea level; in oral communication prof. Jos? San Martin indicated us that they are aware of only one location, but at an elevation of about 1000 m. close to Hotel Quemado. Independently in January 2006 we have discovered another location not far from that site at El Morillo Private Park, also at an altitude of 1000 m. (this location is about 4 km. away from the site of Hotel Quemado.) The plant prefers rather shady areas according to University of Talca, i It has a great potential as an ornamnetal plant due to its beautiful and big flowers and rather strange-looking coriaceous leaves.