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Explanation of the Indices
Total records |
2202 |
Identified species |
1365 |
Species is not identified, only the genus for instance, Haploppapus sp.) |
443 |
Species not identified, only family (for instance, Fabaceae sp.) |
151 |
Species not identified, it is in the process of identification. |
244 |
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Species Lists |
Family+Species | Complete list, sorted by family and species. |
Order+Family+Species | Complete list, sorted by order, family, and species. |
Factors important for cultivation |
Introduction about Hardy Plants Hardiness (Cold Resistance) List |
Here you can select plants which are sorted by their resistance to cold. |
Ornamentality | We have analyzed most of the plant species, assigning them an ornamentality index. The criteria used may be somewhat subjective, but in general the following variables were considered: the aesthetic value of the plants (flowers, leaves, etc.), the easy of germinating the seeds and maintaining the plants, and the capability of the plant to adapt to adverse environmental conditions in case it is cultivated as an ornamental (cold hardiness for outdoor plants, drought resistance, low light conditions, etc. for interior plants). We are convinced that many plants with a high ornamentality index will become in future staple ornamental species in the world. |
Drought Resistance | The plants are sorted by their resistance to drought. This index can also provide information on the watering amount which is necessary. |
Exposure to Sunlight | The plants are sorted by their light requirement. One can check out the species which grow well under the direct sunlight and those which can grow well in very dark conditions (in a house, for instance). |
Altitude above Sea Level | The plants are classified into five categories of altitude where they live. |
Plant Type |
Trees | Chilean trees. |
Shrubs | Shrubs which are larger than 60 cm. |
Bulbous Plants | Here several interesting families are presented: Amaryllidaceae (Rhodophiala), Liliaceae (Leucocoryne) ... |
Climbers | Climbers and Vines. |
Ferns | These can be found mainly in Southern Chile, where they have adecuate humidity conditions. |
Mushrooms | Despite the fact that mushrooms are not plants, we have included them in our lists, because they are economically important and several edible species are exported in gret numbers. |
Pigmy Plants (up to 20 cm.) | This species are ideal for growing in small flower pots. Most of these plants stem from high mountain areas and are very resistant to cold climates. |
Small Size Plants (20 - 60 cm.) | These plants can be grown in larger flower pots. |
Medium Size Plants (60 - 300 cm.) | Medium size plants, ideal for decorating house entries, patios, etc. |
Large Plants (over 3 m.) | Larger plants which may serve for reforestation, green areas, etc. |
Selected Families |
Introduction about Cacti Cactus (Cactaceae) List |
There are many cacti species in Chile, most of which are endemic, and there are also a few species which can grow under snow cover. |
Introduction about Orchids Orchids (Orchidaceae) List |
In Chile there are about 50 species, all of which grow in soil. Unlike the epiphyte counterparts, they are relatively easy to grow. |
Alstromerias (Alstroemeriaceae) | The Chilean Alstroemerias were widely used as genetic source for creating new hybrids. Of about 50 Chilean species about 80 % are endemic. |
Calceolarias (Calceolarias) | This genus is very beautiful and extensively used as ornamental. |
Bromeliacae | Most of bromelias are not very hardy, but there are several Chilean species which are an exception and can withstand mild freezing. |
Iridaceae | Iridaceae. |
Loasaceae | Loasaceae is a South American genus, which includes many strange-looking species, most of them with stingy leaves, and with a very high potential for being used as ornamental. |
Useful Plants |
Edible Plants | The meaning of this section is quite straight forward. It includes species which produce edible fruits and also those parts of which (dried leaves, roots, etc.) which are used to prepare aromatic drinks. |
Medicinal Plants | Plants which were mentionned in literature as having medicinal properties. The Mapuche and Aymara Indians used these species to treat different illnesses, but their knowledge was largely lost and only in the last few decades a new interest in these medicinal plants and their chemical compounds begins to reappear. |
Industrial Use Plants | Here we present plants which has some useful, usually industrial-type application. For instance, plants which were used as venom, coloring chemicals, leather processing (tannins), ropes, etc. |
Timber | This section presents trees the wood of which can be used a construction timber. Here are also included those species which were used to manufacture furniture, tool parts (wooden handles), parts of carriages, etc. |
Poisonous plants | The plants which are explicitly mentioned in literature as poisonous. Warning! If a species does not appear on this list, it does not mean that the plant can be considered safe for human consumption. Only those species which appear on the Edible Plants List can be safely eaten. |
Introduction about Weeds Weeds List |
Generally these are foreign plants and one should know them in order to be able to differentiate them from the native flora species. Most of these should be eradicated so as |
According to origin |
Introduction about Endemic Plants Endemic Plants List |
Here the Chilean endemic species are presented, i.e., plants which in wild conditions grow only in Chile. |
Native Plants | This list presents native Chilean plants, that is, plants which grow in wild conditions in Chile, but also grow in other countries. Most of these species are endemic to Andes (Chile and Argentina share their habitat), to Puna (Chile, Bolivia, Peru) and to South America. There are very few cosmopolitan plants. |
Foreign Plants | It may seem that these foreign plants have little to do on our web site, but it is not so. Most of them are invasive species and one should know them in order to be able to distinguish them from the native Chilean plants. Out of five species which grow in wild conditions in Chile one is of foreign origin. |
Endemic Plants According to Region | Here one can see the endemic plants for each Region of Chile. |
Plants from Special Habitats |
Introduction about High Mountain Plants High Mountain Plants |
Plants which grow in high mountains, generlly above 2500 m. |
Desert Plants | Plants from the Northern Chilean desert, Atacama |
Fog Desert Plants (Lomas) | Northern coastal area of Chile presents a very special habitat: Fog Desert, where the plants obtain the water necessary for growth from the humid air. These formations are also referred to as Las Lomas |
Plants from Humid Areas | These are the plants which grow in an environment with constant humidity or in water. |
Plants from Northern Chile | Plants which live in Northern Chile (I-IV Regions). |
Plants from Central Chile | Plants from Central Chile, which includes V, VI, and Metropolitan Regions |
Plants from Southern Chile | Plants from Southern Chile (VII-IX Regions). |
Plants from Patagonia | Plants from Extreme South of Chile, especially Patagonia (X-XII Regions). |
Identification Keys |
Key Beginning by Plant Type | Identification key sorted according to plant characteristics starting with PLANT TYPE (Plant Type, Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Height). This index is a general identification key for Chilean plants. |
Key Beginning by Petal Color | Identification key sorted according to the plant characteristics starting with PETAL COLOR (Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Type, Plant Height). This index is a general identification key for Chilean plants. |
Key by Plant Location and Characteristics | Identification key sorted according to the plant location and plant characteristics. The species are sorted first according to the plant location (Region of Chile, Height above Sea Level) and then according to the plant characteristics (Plant Type, Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Height). This index is very useful if you are in a given location in Chile and would like to identify plants from that location. |
Key by Plant, Location, including Exposure to Light and Plant Characteristics | Identification key sorted according to the plant location, including LIGHT REQUIREMENTS, and plant characteristics. The species are sorted first according to the plant location (Region of Chile, Height above Sea Level, Light Requirements) and then according to the plant characteristics (Plant Type, Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Height). This index is very useful if you are in a given location in Chile and would like to identify plants from that location, taking into consideration the plant exposition to sun. |