The following operation will be applied to this block:AND OR NOT |
Include | Exclude | | |
1st Region:
Lat: 18° - 21°
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique. |
2d Region:
Lat: 21° - 26°
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama. |
3d Region:
Lat: 26° - 29°
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar. |
4th Region:
Lat: 29° - 32°
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle. |
5th Region:
Lat: 32° - 33°
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes. |
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33°- 34°
Main Cities: Santiago. |
6th Region:
Lat: 34° - 35°
Main Cities: Rancagua. |
7th Region:
Lat: 35° - 36°
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó. |
8th Region:
Lat: 36° - 38°
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles. |
9th Region:
Lat: 38° - 39°
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón. |
10th Region:
Lat: 39° - 44°
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt. |
11th Region:
Lat: 44° - 49°
Main Cities: Coihaique. |
12th Region:
Lat 49°- 55°
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams. |
The following operation will be applied to this block:AND OR NOT |
Include | Exclude | | |
Red, 2 petals |
Red, 3 petals |
Red, 4 petals |
Red, 5 petals |
Red, 6 petals |
Red, 7 - 14 petals |
Red, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae |
Red, without information on the number of petals |
Yellow, 2 petals |
Yellow, 3 petals |
Yellow, 4 petals |
Yellow, 5 petals |
Yellow, 6 petals |
Yellow, 7 - 14 petals |
Yellow, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae |
Yellow, without information on the number of petals |
White, 2 petals |
White, 3 petals |
White, 4 petals |
White, 5 petals |
White, 6 petals |
White, 7 - 14 petals |
White, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae |
White, without information on the number of petals |
Blue, 2 petals |
Blue, 3 petals |
Blue, 4 petals |
Blue, 5 petals |
Blue, 6 petals |
Blue, 7 - 14 petals |
Blue, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae |
Blue, without information on the number of petals |
Green, 2 petals |
Green, 3 petals |
Green, 4 petals |
Green, 5 petals |
Green, 6 petals |
Green, 7 - 14 petals |
Green, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae |
Green, without information on the number of petals |
2 petals, without information about the color |
3 petals, without information about the color |
4 petals, without information about the color |
5 petals, without information about the color |
6 petals, without information about the color |
7 - 14 petals, without information about the color |
14 petals and more, without information about the color |