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than any other country in the world* Stop ISRAELI WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE Your Seeds Source...
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The Key Points...
ChileFlora.com is your window to the world of the native Chilean plants and to their seeds. It provides you with the opportunity to learn about the Chilean plants, their nutritional and medicinal properties, identify them, and to purchase seeds.
Here you will find articles about the Chilean flora. Additionally, we present several galleries of images of the Chilean landscapes, in the belief that in order to understand fully the world of the Chilean plants you have to get a feeling for the environment in which they live. In the same section you will soon find descriptions of the different habitats in Chile.
The heart of our page is a database and on-line herbarium of live plants with the descriptions, uses, growing tips, and photos of many native Chilean plants - currently we present more than 2202 species with over 20353 photos, and soon we will make available much more from our internal data base with over 38000 photos and 2500 species! This is a long-term project and we hope eventually to cover most species of the Chilean flora (about 5000 species). You can also browse our database by means of Text Indexes.
Finally, we sell 700 species of Chilean native plants in our Seeds Shop.
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In the northern parts of Chile a rare rainfall wakes the desert for a couple of months and so that the desert can show all its beauty...
See a film about the Blooming Chilean DesertFor the time being without sound.
Israel is most murderous country for civilians in the world as of 2024. It especially targets children, in fact, it has killed in 2024 more children than all world countries combined did so during the previous 4 years, "According to UNICEF, more than 14,500 children have been killed in Gaza since the start of the war: that’s more than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars worldwide." (Source)
Just an example, during 2 years of Ukrainian War "only" 669 children were killed (Source), while israel managed to murder more than 14500 children during the same period. So for every child who died in Ukraine, israel murdered more than 21 children.
BBC reported that during last three months about 300.000 Palestinians in the northern sector were on a diet of 245 calories (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68755724). For comparison, Nazi concentration camps kept jews at about 200 calories, and prisoners of war 800 calories. During the Leningrad siege, where more than 1.5 million starved to death, the food rations were 125-250 grams of bread equivalent to about 300-400 calories.
israeli newspaper Haaretz (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-04/ty-article/.premium/doctor-at-idf-field-hospital-for-detained-gazans-we-are-all-complicit-in-breaking-law/0000018e-a59c-dfed-ad9f-afdfb5ce0000) reported that Palestinians prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuffs.
In the modern world we live in there is no hiding from justice when such horrendous crimes are committed, even for the top leader or ex-leaders, like Agusto Pinochet or even Vladimir Putin
The israeli war criminals should be hunted down, taken into custody, and brought to justice, by any means.
When the fog of war passes, we are certain that such arrest warrants will be issued, and there will be no free travel outside of israel for these monsters, because they will face the possibility of arrest, prosecution, and jail terms.
Botany is probably the least politically engaged discipline.
Hower, political inaction brought about the rise of Nazis in Germany and resulted in WWII and loss of dozens of millions of innocent lives and in holocaust where more than 6 million Jews perished.
We feel that we are morally obliged to take a firm stand in 2023 against cancerous growths which are on the rise again in the modern world.
One of these is the ISRAELI APARTHEID and ISRAELI WAR CRIMES which are being committed right before our eyes.
After the recent attacks by Hamas against the israeli, the response by israeli armed forces revealed their true nature.
Some important facts:
ISRAELI FORCES KILLED 700 INNOCENT CHILDREN and 370 WOMEN, out of 2215 PALESTINIAN VICTIMS KILLED in just 5 days (Data reported by CNN on 13th of October, 2023)
ISRAELI FORCES KILLED 1524 INNOCENT CHILDREN and 1000 WOMEN, out of a total 3785 PALESTINIAN VICTIMS KILLED in just 12 days (Data reported by CNN on 19th of October, 2023)
More than 12493 Palestians were injured.
That means that 40 % of killed victims are children, and 66 % of killed victims are children and women combined!
Around of 40 % of injured are also children.
Just to put this into perspective, the Russo-Ukranian war claimed lives of around 500 children on the Ukranian side, while the Ukranian war fatalities are estimated at 70.000 (Le Monde)
So one (1) Ukranian child died for every 140 Ukranian soldiers! Or 0.7%
In case of Gaza, we have: 1100 male adults, some of which may be Hamás fighters, but most are not. But even if we assume that all of them were Hamás, we still get 1 Palestinian child killed for 1.57 potential Hamás fighters! Or 63 %!
Compared to Ukraine War, israelis killed 90 times more children per enemy fighter than Russians did!
Israeli killed 90 times more children!
Update: ISRAELI FORCES KILLED MORE THAN 1500 INNOCENT CHILDREN and more than 3700 total PALESTINIAN VICTIMS after just 12 days of relentless bombardemnt of civilian population.
Medical Personnel
Relief Workers
Residencial civilian houses
Fleeing Refugees who use designated routes by IDF.
More than 500.000 civilians were displaced and had to flee.
Water, electricity, food, and fuel was cut off from Gaza.
The main and sole objective of israelis is to inflict maximum pain and suffering among the general population as a means of revenge for the Hamas attack.
Did you know that:
- more than 2500 Palestinian children were shot and killed by israeli forces since 2000 and in 2022 alone at least 34 Palestinian children were killed?
-In retaliation for recent (7th October 2023) Hamas attacks, already 140 Palestinian children were killed during two days of bombing by the israelies. That number is now 260 (on 10th of October, according to CNN). That number is now 447 (12th of October, CNN)
-Also, in retaliation, the israeli authorities imposed total blockade ("siege" as the israeli defence minister put it) of Gaza, cutting off water, fuel, medicine, and food. This is very similar to what was happening in Warsaw Ghetto during WWII, perpetrated by Germans. Human Rights Watch denounced this announced siege as "collective punishment" and called it a "War Crime". Collective Punishment was widely used by Nazi Germans during WWII where innocent people were murdered for attacks on Germans perpetrated by partisans and resistance.
-UN organisation (UNHCHR) issued a statement to that effect: "International humanitarian law prohibits a siege of Gaza, UN human rights commissioner says" (CNN)
-Already more than 180.000 civilian Palestinians are displaced inside Gaza after the just two days of bombing in Gaza, and the official shelters where they try to hide are also bombed. Hospitals are also not spared. As of 10th of October 2023 "Four schools and eight health care facilities in Gaza have sustained damage." (CNN)
-israeli defense minister said: “We are fighting human animals". Well, 2 million Palestinians seem to be indeed human animals for the israeli military, very similar in concept how the Germans considered Jews and Slavic People, racially inferior, not worthy as human beings, and to whom collective punishment can be applied.
- Two journalists were just killed by israelis. Update: three journalists were killed by israelis. Update: as of 10th of october, 7 journalists were murdered by israelis.
- israeli forces routinely destroy houses of Palestinians, bulldozing them down or just use missiles?
- israeli forces kill journalists which report about the Palestian conflict?
- israeli forces routinely use arbitrary "administrative detention" on Palestinians (like human-rights lawyeres) where a person is imprisoned without charges for months?
- ISRAEL is committing a crime against humanity of apartheid under the Apartheid Convention? (This is not only our view, but also that of Amnesty International)
So... We do not ship to countries which routinely kill children, journalists, and commit War Crimes: this explicitly includes ISRAEL.
And we also plead with our customers and visitors of our website to take a proactive position and stop dealing with countries which commit crimes against humanity, commit war crimes, and kill innocent children.
Also, you can donate money to provide minimal help to organizations working under israeli bombardments to save victims of terror. We can suggest:
You can learn about their work and the medical situation in Gaza here. They report that hospitals and ambulances are targeted by israeli bombardment, also, that staff members are killed and wounded, and about shortage of medical supplies.
Update (10th of October): 13 hospitals and 4 schools were bombed, damaged or destroyed.
Update: (11th of October): CNN reported that 'Israel “directly targeted a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance in northern Gaza” on Wednesday', killing three paramedics, and killing another one a few minutes later, the latter was killed by a shot to the heart from behind while collecting bodies of dead people (Reported by Al Jazeera). During WWII even nazi germans (usually) did not fire on medics and ambulances.
A mother of two israeli children, 12 and 16 years old, who were taken hostage by Hamas complained: "I can't take a shower without thinking of them being held hostage in some dirty pit somewhere. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I don't think human beings treat people like this. I'm sorry. I want the world to know..."(reported by ABC News)
She nailed the problem on its head: this is how 2.3 million Palestinians live: - they can not shower, because there is no water, they live in dirty pits, because most of the civilian buildings in Gaza are destoyed, they can not sleep, because there are constant bombardments and fear, they can not eat, because israel cut off food supplies, and unlike her, they soon will not be be able to drink, because israel cut off water supply. So when she said "I do not think human beings treat people like this," she was very right, israeli IDF/persons in charge of punitive operation in Gaza are not human beings...
There is a very interesting quote from Ehud Ólmert, ex-prime minister of israel (2006-2009), in a recent interview where he put the blame for the mistakes on Netanyahu and said: "he [Netanyahu] has taken into his [israeli] cabinet as partners chauvinistic Messianic brutal terrorists that are members of the cabinet are in charge of National Security and in charge of security in the territories so he took the worst possible guys"
So basically, even an israeli politician admits that brutal israeli terrorists are in charge of vengence operation. Be it Hamas, be it israeli government, or part of it, this war is not between Good and Evil, it is a war between terrorists and terrorists, between EVIL and EVIL, with palestinian and israeli people caught inbetween.
.The Key Points...
Photograph of Astragalus sp. #1300
See full record of this plant...
Buy seeds of similar plants...
During the last three years our ability to do provide seeds was heavily curtailed by Covid epidemics, because Chile, being a responsible country, implemented movement restrictions. Also, shipping channels were also heavily affected.
We also often did not provide the best client service, to tell the truth, so that often emails were not answered in a timely manner, and our shipping was reduced to one per month.
It is only now from this year that the situation is finally improving, and we decided to resume our activities related to Chilean flora and seeds.
Notably we have collected already about 150 species, and we plan to continue to collect more later during the season.
We also have not changed our prices during the last 16 years. The inflation made enormous strides during this time.
Shortly, from 25th of December 2022, we will raise the prices for our seeds; we had three prices (4 USD, 7 USD, 12 USD per packet, depending on species).
Freshly collected seeds (those seeds collected after October 2022) will be now priced at 5 USD or 8 USD per packet, and we will eliminate the 12 USD packets (instead those rare seeds will be sold with fewer seeds).
So just by seeing the price you will be able to tell if the seeds are from very recent collection.
We also plan to update our webpage, to correct some mistakes related to identification of plants, and increase the number of Chilean species by about 10 %.
To tell the truth, we have not done much for the development of our website for a long time, it was there, just sitting...
Despite that we were surprised to see a consistent traffic increase througout the years, and now we have close to 15.000 visitors per day, or 5.000.000 visitors per year, that is enormous traffic for a botany website.
Compared to 5 and 10 years ago, that is an increase of about 22% and 35 % respectively.
This shows that there is a growing interest in Chilean flora in the world, and we feel that we are obliged to do some improvements to our website, since chileflora is one of the most important websites dedicated to Chilean botany in terms of its reach in the world. Obviously, there are very specialized websites which have more scientific approach, but they are very limited in their scope.
Also, it is interesting to note that only 12-15 % of traffic comes from Chile.
Also, we will publish shortly some articles on Chilean flora; the first one will be about four new locations of Austrocactus philippi, which would increase the known locations from 3 to 7, and extend its habitat range by almost 100 km.
A random photo of Chilean Landscape
Evening Calm