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Homepage of ChileFlora.com, a supplier of native Chilean seeds and seedlings and organizer of plant-watching tours
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The Key Points...


If you are new to this page...

ChileFlora.com is your window to the world of the native Chilean plants and to their seeds. It provides you with the opportunity to learn about the Chilean plants, their nutritional and medicinal properties, identify them, and to purchase seeds.

Here you will find articles about the Chilean flora. Additionally, we present several galleries of images of the Chilean landscapes, in the belief that in order to understand fully the world of the Chilean plants you have to get a feeling for the environment in which they live. In the same section you will soon find descriptions of the different habitats in Chile.

The heart of our page is a database and on-line herbarium of live plants with the descriptions, uses, growing tips, and photos of many native Chilean plants - currently we present more than species with over photos, and soon we will make available much more from our internal data base with over 31000 photos and 2200 species! This is a long-term project and we hope eventually to cover most species of the Chilean flora (about 5000 species). You can also browse our database by means of Text Indexes.

Finally, we sell 700 species of Chilean native plants in our Seeds Shop.

Bookmark Us

Who we are, why and how we are doing it...

Declaration of Objectives...

The Team of Chileflora.com...

Our Philosophy of the Andes...

The Tools We Use and some Off-road fun...

A short film

Last year it has rained and rained in the northern parts of Chile, so that the desert had to wake up for a couple of months and show all its beauty...

See a film about the Blooming Chilean Desert Film about the blooming desert (High Resolution, 16 MB)

(Low resolution, 4 MB)

For the time being without sound.


We are looking for strategic partners...

Chileflora.com is 100 % private project and it is not financed by any entity, Chilean or foreign.

We are looking for strategic partners who may help us with our work and make the dream of a complete on-line virtual herbarium come true and develop other projects related to Chilean flora, both in the realm of publication/web and more down-to-earth projects (in the very concrete sense): formation of a botanical garden.

Therefore we are looking for entities who may be interested in developing projects of this nature together or sponsors who may provide financing for these projects...


The Key Points...


Every time you will enter this page, we will show you a new species of a Chilean plant

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