Image of Anemone multifida (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Anemone multifida

IX, Parque Nacional Conguillo, Chile
Altitude: 300-1250 m. 02 15, 2006


Species:  Anemone multifida Poir.
Family:  Ranunculaceae Identification OK, but we will check it just in case. Certainty 99 %.   
Order:  Ranunculales
Chilean Name: 
English Name: 
German Name: 
Russian Name: 
Record:  0430
About 9 Anemone in Chile and 4 in our data base.
About 47 Ranunculaceae in Chile and 18 in our data base.


1st Region:
Lat: 18° - 21°
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21° - 26°
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26° - 29°
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29° - 32°
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32° - 33°
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33°- 34°
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34° - 35°
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35° - 36°
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó.
8th Region:
Lat: 36° - 38°
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38° - 39°
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón.
10th Region:
Lat: 39° - 44°
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44° - 49°
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49°- 55°
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-8° C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.     Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.   Some shadow. Some protection against direct sunlight, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.     Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).   
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m
Yellow, 5 petals   Yellow, 6 petals      Perennial     

Native    Not Frequent

Height: 80 cm.

Some ornamental value (B)

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This anemone is quite common in the central-southern parts of Chile and when blooming, presents a beautiful show with numerous white flowers which transform themselves into cottony seeds. It generally grows on volcanic soils with very good drainage and little organic matter. Snow is not a problem, watering should be average.

Image of Anemone multifida (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Anemone multifida

IX, Parque Nacional Conguillo, Chile
Altitude: 300-1250 m. 02 15, 2006



Plant type: Perennial

Flower: Yellow, 5 petals
Yellow, 6 petals

Height: 80 cm.


Image of Anemone multifida (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Anemone multifida

IX, Parque Nacional Conguillo, Chile
Altitude: 300-1250 m. 02 15, 2006



In Chile this species grows in the following environmental conditions:


Habitat according to altitude:

Medium altitude up to the timber line
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m


Watering conditions:

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).


Light conditions:

Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.
Some shadow. Some protection against direct sunlight, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.


Image of Anemone multifida (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Anemone multifida

IX, Parque Nacional Conguillo, Chile
Altitude: 300-1250 m. 02 15, 2006



Some ornamental value (B)





Image of Anemone multifida (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Anemone multifida

IX, Parque Nacional Conguillo, Chile
Altitude: 300-1250 m. 02 15, 2006




This species has the following hardiness:

USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-8° C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.








The seeds of this plant require cold stratification because it grows in places with cold, snowy winters, where it may be burried by several meters of snow for up to 5 months. It would be a disaster for the young shoots to germinate just before the first snowfall. The strategy developped by the plant is to require the seeds to be humid for at least several weeks before the signal for germination is given. So do not forget to copy the natural process:

If you are interested in purchasing seeds of this or similar species, please go to our On-line Seeds Shop.


More photos (4) of Anemone multifida Poir. available here

More species from the same Ranunculaceae family in our data base:

Anemone decapetala var. foliolosa (Centella)

Anemone moorei

Anemone multifida

Anemone rigida

Barneoudia chilensis

Barneoudia major var. major

Caltha appendiculata

Caltha sagittata (Maillico)

Clematis sp. #1036

Ranunculus cymbalaria (Oreja de gato / Botón de oro)

Ranunculus muricatus (Botón de oro / Ensalada de ranas / Pata de gallo)

Ranunculus peduncularis var. peduncularis

Ranunculus peduncularis var. erodiifolius (Botón de oro / Centella)

Ranunculus repens

Ranunculus sp. #1765

Ranunculus sp. #3037 (ranunculus)

Ranunculus sp. #3038

Ranunculus uniflorus


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