Sub Index Selector
Plants Sorted According to Drought Resistence and Water Requirements.
Coastal fog (193)
Tree (12)
Shrub (57)
Perennial (45)
Annual (22)
Climber (3)
Bulb Plant (6)
Creeping Plant (10)
Cactus (12)
No info (26)
Occasional rain (221)
Tree (9)
Shrub (82)
Perennial (50)
Annual (38)
Biannual (1)
Climber (1)
Bulb Plant (10)
Creeping Plant (5)
Cactus (7)
No info (18)
Draught 6 - 10 months (616)
Tree (18)
Shrub (201)
Perennial (161)
Annual (85)
Biannual (8)
Climber (18)
Fern (2)
Bulb Plant (25)
Creeping Plant (11)
Mushroom (1)
Cactus (13)
No info (73)
Draught 3 - 5 months (894)
Tree (41)
Shrub (229)
Perennial (323)
Annual (106)
Biannual (15)
Climber (34)
Fern (7)
Bulb Plant (32)
Creeping Plant (16)
Mushroom (3)
Cactus (6)
No info (82)
Wet (611)
Tree (57)
Shrub (149)
Perennial (239)
Annual (36)
Biannual (4)
Climber (31)
Fern (18)
Bulb Plant (18)
Mushroom (11)
No info (43)
Permanent water (211)
Tree (19)
Shrub (27)
Perennial (113)
Annual (6)
Climber (6)
Bulb Plant (3)
Creeping Plant (1)
Mushroom (5)
No info (29)
No info (446)
Tree (1)
Shrub (2)
Perennial (5)
Bulb Plant (1)
Mushroom (2)
Cactus (2)
No info (433)
Plant Selector
Allium neapolitanum
Conanthera bifolia
Conanthera campanulata
Conanthera parvula
Conanthera trimaculata
Famatina cisandina
Gilliesia graminea
Herbertia lahue
Leucocoryne alliacea
Leucocoryne coquimbensis var. alba
Leucocoryne ixioides
Leucocoryne purpurea
Leucocoryne sp. #1170
Leucocoryne violascens
Narcissus tazeta
Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus
Oziroe arida
Phycella bicolor
Phycella ignea
Phycella scarlatina
Placea ornata
Rhodophiala advena
Rhodophiala araucana
Rhodophiala bakeri
Rhodophiala moelleri
Rhodophiala phycelloides
Rhodophiala rhodolirion
Rhodophiala splendens
Solaria brevicoalita
Zoellnerallium andinum