Sub Index Selector
Plants Sorted According to Light Requirements
Exposed (1404)
Tree (60)
Shrub (374)
Perennial (497)
Annual (157)
Biannual (15)
Climber (33)
Fern (3)
Bulb Plant (40)
Creeping Plant (28)
Mushroom (3)
Cactus (21)
No info (173)
Some shadow (588)
Tree (53)
Shrub (168)
Perennial (224)
Annual (38)
Biannual (3)
Climber (30)
Fern (12)
Bulb Plant (21)
Creeping Plant (3)
Cactus (4)
No info (29)
Shadow (286)
Tree (32)
Shrub (85)
Perennial (81)
Annual (5)
Biannual (2)
Climber (25)
Fern (17)
Bulb Plant (8)
Creeping Plant (4)
Mushroom (9)
No info (18)
Deep shadow (141)
Tree (9)
Shrub (37)
Perennial (39)
Annual (3)
Climber (14)
Fern (14)
Bulb Plant (2)
Creeping Plant (2)
Mushroom (11)
No info (10)
Exposed, with fog (250)
Tree (11)
Shrub (58)
Perennial (59)
Climber (5)
Bulb Plant (15)
Creeping Plant (9)
Cactus (12)
No info (43)
No info (442)
Tree (1)
Shrub (3)
Perennial (8)
Annual (1)
Bulb Plant (1)
Mushroom (2)
Cactus (2)
No info (424)
Plant Selector
Cumulopuntia sphaerica USDA Hardiness Zone 9
Copiapoa humilis USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Copiapoa humilis ssp. humilis USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Copiapoa krainziana USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Cylindropuntia tunicata USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce heinrichiana USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce odieri ssp. malleolata USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce paucicostata USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce sp. USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce sp. #1783 USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce subgibbosa ssp. subgibbosa USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.
Eriosyce taltalensis ssp. pygmaea USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11.