Image of Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Mentha pulegium

VII Region, Las Lomas, Chile
Altitude: 400-600 m. 12 30, 2005


Species:  Mentha pulegium L.
Family:  Lamiaceae Identification OK   
Order:  Lamiales
Chilean Name:  Poleo , Menta
English Name:  Penny royal mint
German Name: 
Russian Name: 
Record:  0356
About 2 Mentha in Chile and 2 in our data base.
About 22 Lamiaceae in Chile and 22 in our data base.


Medicinal   Edible plant   Industrial Use   
1st Region:
Lat: 18� - 21�
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21� - 26�
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26� - 29�
Main Cities: Copiap�, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29� - 32�
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32� - 33�
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33�- 34�
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34� - 35�
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35� - 36�
Main Cities: Talca, Curic�.
8th Region:
Lat: 36� - 38�
Main Cities: Concepci�n, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38� - 39�
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Puc�n.
10th Region:
Lat: 39� - 44�
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44� - 49�
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49�- 55�
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
USDA Hardiness Zone 9.  The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 5� C (the typical morning frost of central Chile).     Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.     Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).   Somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm. are concentrated in winter.   
Low altitude, interior valleys
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m
Blue, 4 petals      Perennial     

Foreign    Very Frequent

Height: 40 cm.

No ornamental value (C)

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We do not have the seeds of this species. If you are interested in the seeds of similar plants, please check out our Seeds Shop.



Image of Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Mentha pulegium

VII Region, Las Lomas, Chile
Altitude: 400-600 m. 12 30, 2005



Plant type: Perennial

Flower: Blue, 4 petals

Height: 40 cm.


Image of Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Mentha pulegium

VII Region, Las Lomas, Chile
Altitude: 400-600 m. 12 30, 2005



In Chile this species grows in the following environmental conditions:


Habitat according to altitude:

Low altitude, interior valleys
Coastal mountains, 500 - 2000 m.
Coastal areas, 0 - 500 m


Watering conditions:

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).
Somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm. are concentrated in winter.


Light conditions:

Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.


Image of Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Mentha pulegium

VII Region, Las Lomas, Chile
Altitude: 400-600 m. 12 30, 2005



No ornamental value (C)


Useful properties:

Edible plant
Industrial Use




Image of Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Mentha pulegium

VII Region, Las Lomas, Chile
Altitude: 400-600 m. 12 30, 2005




This species has the following hardiness:

USDA Hardiness Zone 9. The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 5� C (the typical morning frost of central Chile).








If you are interested in purchasing seeds of this or similar species, please go to our On-line Seeds Shop.


More photos (3) of Mentha pulegium L. available here

More species from the same Lamiaceae family in our data base:

Lamiaceae sp. #1896

Lamium aplexicaule

Marrubium vulgare (Toronjil cuyano)

Mentha aquatica (Hierba buena / Bergamota / S�ndalo de agua)

Mentha pulegium (Poleo / Menta)

Nepeta mussinii

Prunella vulgaris (Hierba mora / Hierba negra)

Satureja gilliesii (Menta de �rbol)

Satureja multiflora (Menta de �rbol / Satureja / Poleo en flor)

Sphacele chamaedryoides (Alhuelahu�n)

Sphacele salviae (Salvia blanca)

Stachys pannosa

Stachys philippiana

Stachys sp. #1343

Stachys sp. #1558

Stachys sp. #1879

Stachys sp. #2768

Stachys sp. #3032 (stachys)

Stachys sp. #3032

Teucrium bicolor var. paposana

Teucrium bicolor (Oreganillo)


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