Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141 (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141

VII Region, El Melado, Chile
Altitude: 2000 m. 01 07, 2007


Species:  Asteraceae sp. #3141
Family:  Asteraceae Identification very doubtful, we must check it in the near future. Certainty 50 %.   
Chilean Name: 
English Name: 
German Name: 
Russian Name: 
Record:  3141
About 1018 Asteraceae in Chile and 547 in our data base.
About 1018 Asteraceae in Chile and 547 in our data base.


1st Region:
Lat: 18° - 21°
Main Cities: Arica, Iquique.
2d Region:
Lat: 21° - 26°
Main Cities: Antofagasta, Calama.
3d Region:
Lat: 26° - 29°
Main Cities: Copiapó, Vallenar.
4th Region:
Lat: 29° - 32°
Main Cities: La Serena, Ovalle.
5th Region:
Lat: 32° - 33°
Main Cities: Valparaiso, Los Andes.
Metropolitan Region:
Lat: 33°- 34°
Main Cities: Santiago.
6th Region:
Lat: 34° - 35°
Main Cities: Rancagua.
7th Region:
Lat: 35° - 36°
Main Cities: Talca, Curicó.
8th Region:
Lat: 36° - 38°
Main Cities: Concepción, Chillan, Los Angeles.
9th Region:
Lat: 38° - 39°
Main Cities: Temuco, Villarrica, Pucón.
10th Region:
Lat: 39° - 44°
Main Cities: Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt.
11th Region:
Lat: 44° - 49°
Main Cities: Coihaique.
12th Region:
Lat 49°- 55°
Main Cities: Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams.
USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-8° C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.     Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.     Somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm. are concentrated in winter.   
High altitude close to the timber line
Yellow, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae      Perennial     


Height: 15 cm.

Our philosophy and explanations about this page

We do not have the seeds of this species. If you are interested in the seeds of similar plants, please check out our Seeds Shop.



Civilized Human Beings can not be Silent Accomplices to Murder and War Crimes

Did you know that:
israeli forces target and kill family members, including children, of journalists who report on Gaza atrocities?
israeli forces murdered more than 36 journalists?
israeli forces murdered more than 11000 Palestinians in just over four weeks?
israeli forces murdered more than 4500 Palestinian children in just over four weeks?
73% -- of those [Palestinians] killed are from vulnerable populations, including children, women, and elderly individuals (CNN, 29th October)
israeli forces murder more than 142 Palestinian children every day for the last three weeks?
UN secretary-general Antonio Guterrez said that "Gaza is becoming graveyard for children"?
israeli forces murdered six times more Palestinian children (3000+) in three weeks than Ukrainian children (500) died in Russo-Ukranian war in two years?
israeli forces murdered six times more Palestinian children (3000+) in three weeks than Ukrainian children (500) died in Russo-Ukranian war in two years?
more than a third (35%-40%) of victims murdered by israeli forces are children?
more than half (55 %) of Palestinian victims murdered by israeli forces are either women or children?
israeli targeted and destroyed at least 30 ambulances with injured people in Gaza?
more than 1.5 million Palestinians are displaced?
more than 45 % of all buildings in Gaza are damaged or destroyed?
an israeli minister (Amihai Eliyahu) wanted to drop nuclear bomb on Gaza, because there are "no non-combatants in Gaza"?
an israeli minister (Amihai Eliyahu) wanted to drop nuclear bomb on Gaza, because there are "no non-combatants in Gaza"?
Hitler wanted to eliminate all Jews (9 millions). israeli minister Amihay Eliyahu wants to eliminate all Gazan Palestinians (2.3 millions)?
israelis murdered more than 116 medical personnel?
out of 1152 identified israeli victims, only 26 are clearly identified as children (Haaretz.com, 11th Nov). That is just over 2 % of israeli vistims?
israelis lied that Hamas targeted israeli children during October 7th attack?
more than half (13) of israeli children killed were aged 16 and 17 and were confused with adults?
there are israeli civilian victims caused by friendly fire (killed by the israelis themselves)?
israelis lied that Hamas "kills babies". There are only 4 israeli baby victims (age 0..4 years) (Haaretz.com)?
israelis lied about total number of israeli victims, admitting officially that there are only about 1200 and not 1400 after one month?
doctors in the Al-Shifa hospital are now being forced to carry out artificial respiration by hand on the 36 babies that they’re caring for because israelis cut off electricity supply?
3 babies died in Gaza's biggest hospital as it went out of service due to israeli blockade?
israeli mutilated and injured more than 30000 Palestinians?
israeli politican recently claimed that “the children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves”
Premature babies relying on oxygen supplies will die if no fuel is delivered to Gaza (CNN)?
Palestinian parents write names of their children on their body so that they could be identified in case they were killed by israeli forces?
Palestinian parents write names of their children on their body so that they could be identified in case they were killed by israeli forces?
Palestinian victims are often operated on without anestesia because the israeli forces would not allow the entry of medicaments?
for israeli defense minister Palestinians are human animals?
current israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvyr, was convicted of supporting an israeli terrorist group and incitement to racism?
israeli forces murdered 35 staffers of UN?
israeli ex-minister Naftali Bennett said: 'They [Palestinian children] are not children. They are terrorists'?
Amnesty International declared that israeli policies towards Palestinians are Apartheid?
French president said about Palestinians being murdered: "These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy"
Turkey president said that what israel does in Gaza "amounts to genocide"?
Spanish minister accused israel of a “planned genocide”?
israeli forces use collective punishment to take revenge, which is a war crime?
in the last 15 years prior to Hamás attack, 6400 Palestinian were murdered and only 311 israelies were killed?
Now, you know it, Now, you can decide
Now, you know it, Now, you can act
Now, you know it, Now, you can judge
israeli War Criminals should and will be brought to justice!
israeli War Criminals should and will be brought to justice!
Boycott israel!
If you wondered, we will run this information campaign for 4500 days, the number of Palestinian children murdered by israelis. We owe it to them. And for each new child victim, we will prolong the campaign for one day.
If you wondered, we will run this information campaign for 4500 days, the number of Palestinian children murdered by israelis. We owe it to them. And for each new child victim, we will prolong the campaign for one day.


Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141 (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141

VII Region, El Melado, Chile
Altitude: 2000 m. 01 07, 2007



Plant type: Perennial

Flower: Yellow, 14 petals and more, also includes asteraceae

Height: 15 cm.


Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141 (). Click to enlarge parts of image.

Image of Asteraceae sp. #3141

VII Region, El Melado, Chile
Altitude: 2000 m. 01 07, 2007



In Chile this species grows in the following environmental conditions:


Habitat according to altitude:

High altitude close to the timber line


Watering conditions:

Somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm. are concentrated in winter.


Light conditions:

Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.









This species has the following hardiness:

USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-8° C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.








If you are interested in purchasing seeds of this or similar species, please go to our On-line Seeds Shop.


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Adenocaulon chilense

Ageratina glechonophylla (Barba de viejo)

Ambrosia artemisioides

Ambrosia chamissonis

Antennaria chilensis

Aphyllocladus denticulatus var. calvus

Arctotheca calendula (Filigrana pequeña)

Aristeguietia salvia (Salvia macho / Pegajosa / Pega-pega)

Aster sp. #3092

Aster squamatus

Aster vahlii (Estrella / Aster)

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Asteraceae sp. #2065

Asteraceae sp. #2072

Asteraceae sp. #2075

Asteraceae sp. #2083

Asteraceae sp. #2092

Asteraceae sp. #2094

Asteraceae sp. #2202

Asteraceae sp. #2347

Asteraceae sp. #2379

Asteraceae sp. #2389

Asteraceae sp. #2428

Asteraceae sp. #2430

Asteraceae sp. #2436

Asteraceae sp. #2754

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Asteraceae sp. #3105

Asteraceae sp. #3128

Asteraceae sp. #3139

Asteraceae sp. #3141

Asteraceae sp. #3142

Asteraceae sp. #3155

Asteraceae sp. #3165

Asteraceae sp. #3167

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Asteraceae sp. #3174

Asteraceae sp. #3175

Asteraceae sp. #3178

Asteraceae sp. #Z 6407

Asteraceae sp. #Z 6439

Asteraceae sp. #Z 6959

Asteraceae sp. #Z 8024

Asteraceae sp. #Z 8034

Asteraceae sp. #Z 9003

Baccharis (baccharis)

Baccharis acaulis

Baccharis alnifolia

Baccharis boliviensis

Baccharis linearis (Romerillo)

Baccharis macraei (Vautro)

Baccharis magellanica (Chilco de Magallanes)

Baccharis marginalis

Baccharis neaei

Baccharis nivalis

Baccharis racemosa (Chilca / Chilco)

Baccharis rhomboidalis (baccharis L.Maule)

Baccharis sagittalis (Verbena de tres esquinas)

Baccharis salicifolia

Baccharis scandens

Baccharis sp. #1008

Baccharis sp. #1327

Baccharis sp. #1481 (Small leaves / tomentose)

Baccharis sp. #1692

Baccharis sp. #3078 (baccharis)

Baccharis sp. #3078 (baccharis)

Baccharis sp. #3081 (baccharis)

Baccharis sphaerocephala (Radín / Rarí)

Bahia ambrosoides (Chamiza blanca / Manzanilla cimarrona)

Bellis perennis (Margarita de los prados / Margaritilla / Primavera)

Bidens aurea (Falso Te)

Bidens sp. #1154

Bidens sp. #3063

Carthamus lanatus

Carthamus lanatus (Cardilla)

Centaurea atacamensis

Centaurea cachinalensis

Centaurea chilensis (Flor del minero)

Centaurea floccosa

Centaurea floccosa

Centaurea solstitialis (Abrepuño amarillo)

Centaurea sp. #1196

Centaurea sp. #2413

Chaetanthera apiculata

Chaetanthera chilensis var. tenuifolia

Chaetanthera ciliata

Chaetanthera euphrasioides

Chaetanthera flabellifolia (Corona de reina)

Chaetanthera glabrata (Chinita)

Chaetanthera incana

Chaetanthera lanata

Chaetanthera limbata

Chaetanthera linearis

Chaetanthera linearis var. albiflora

Chaetanthera lycopodioides

Chaetanthera microphylla

Chaetanthera microphylla

Chaetanthera microphylla var. albiflora

Chaetanthera moenchioides

Chaetanthera pusilla (Chinita)

Chaetanthera revoluta

Chaetanthera sp. #02503

Chaetanthera sp. #1185

Chaetanthera sp. #1344

Chaetanthera sp. #1355

Chaetanthera sp. #2153

Chaetanthera sp. #2225

Chaetanthera sp. #2227

Chaetanthera sp. #3042

Chaetanthera sp. #3062

Chaetanthera sp. #3163

Chaetanthera sp. #8491

Chaetanthera sp. #8653

Chaetanthera spathulifolia

Chaetanthera villosa (Chinita)

Chamomilla suaveolens (Manzanilla)

Chaptalia exscapa

Chiliotrichum diffusum

Chiliotrichum rosmarinifolium (Romerillo)

Chrysanthemum coronarium (Manzanillon / Antimano / Manzanilla de flor dorada / Mirabeles / Ojo de buey)

Chuquiraga acicularis

Chuquiraga atacamensis

Chuquiraga oppositifolia (Hierba blanca)

Chuquiraga spinosa subsp. rotundifolia

Chuquiraga ulicina

Cichorium intybus (Chicorea / Achicoria)

Cirsium vulgare (Cardo negro)

Coreopsis suaveolens

Cotula coronopifolia (Botón de oro)

Cotula scariosa

Cynara cardunculus (Cardo penquero / Cardo de castilla)

Dasyphyllum diacanthoides (Trevo / Palo santo / Palo blanco / Tayu)

Diplostephium cinereum

Encelia canescens (Coronilla del fraile)

Erigeron gilliesii

Erigeron leptopetalus

Erigeron myosotis

Erigeron sp. #1307

Flourensia thurifera (Maravilla del campo / Incienso)

Galinsoga parviflora (Pacoyuyo / Pacoyuyo-fino)

Gamochaeta spiciformis

Gamocheta sp. #1542

Gnaphalium andicola

Gnaphalium philippii

Gnaphalium sp. #1358

Gnaphalium sp. #1582

Gnaphalium sp. #1622 (Vira-vira)

Gnaphalium viravira (viravira / hierba de la vida / hierba de la diuca)

Gochnatia foliolosa (Mira-mira)

Gutierrezia gayana (Pichanilla)

Gutierrezia resinosa (Pichanilla)

Gypothamnium pinifolium

Haplopappus baylahuen

Haplopappus foliosus (Cuerno de cabra)

Haplopappus illinitus

Haplopappus macrocephalus

Haplopappus multifolius (Bailahuén)

Haplopappus remyanus

Haplopappus rigidus (Bailahuen)

Haplopappus scrobiculatus

Haplopappus sp. #1936

Haplopappus sp. #3124

Haplopappus sp. #1302

Haplopappus sp. #1462

Haplopappus sp. #1489

Haplopappus sp. #1493

Haplopappus sp. #1494

Haplopappus sp. #1515

Haplopappus sp. #1532

Haplopappus sp. #1535

Haplopappus sp. #1541

Haplopappus sp. #1548

Haplopappus sp. #1571

Haplopappus sp. #1589

Haplopappus sp. #1597

Haplopappus sp. #1598

Haplopappus sp. #1600

Haplopappus sp. #1651

Haplopappus sp. #1656

Haplopappus sp. #1669

Haplopappus sp. #1670

Haplopappus sp. #1712

Haplopappus sp. #1929

Haplopappus sp. #2032

Haplopappus sp. #2221

Haplopappus sp. #2382

Haplopappus sp. #2769

Haplopappus sp. #3087

Haplopappus sp. #3120

Haplopappus sp. #3127

Haplopappus sp. #6035

Haplopappus sp. #6076

Haplopappus sp. #7322

Haplopappus sp. #7583 (haplopappus)

Haplopappus sp. #9358

Haplopappus taeda (Bailahuén)

Haplopappus velutinus

Haplopappus velutinus??

Haploppapus sp. #1550

Haploppapus sp. #1677

Haploppapus sp. #1680

Haploppapus sp. #1681

Helenium aromaticum (Manzanilla del cerro)

Hypochaeris sp. #1809

Hypochaeris sp. #1676 (Cerrajilla)

Hypochaeris taraxacoides

Hypochoeris acaulis (Hierba del chancho)

Hypochoeris sp. #1878

Hypochoeris tenuifolia var. clarionoides

Lagenophora sp. #2411

Lapsana communis

Leptocarpha rivularis (Palo negro)

Leucanthum vulgare

Leucheria sp. #6118

Leucheria candidissima

Leucheria daucifolia

Leucheria gilliesii (Leucheria)

Leucheria glandulosa

Leucheria lithospermifolia (Leucheria)

Leucheria runcinata

Leucheria scrobiculata

Leucheria sp. #1621

Leucheria sp. #1625

Leucheria sp. #1645

Leucheria sp. #1648

Leucheria sp. #1658

Leucheria sp. #1682

Leucheria sp. #3045

Leucheria sp. #6017

Leucheria sp. #6053

Leucheria sp. #6055

Leucheria sp. #7911

Leucheria viscida

Logfia gallica

Lucilia araucana

Lucilia nivea (Lucilia)

Lucilia sp. #1492

Madia chilensis

Madia sativa (Melosa / Madia)

Madia sp. #2431

Moscharia pinnatifida

Mutisia acerosa

Mutisia acuminata

Mutisia brachyantha

Mutisia cana (Clavel del Campo)

Mutisia decurrens (Clavel del campo anaranjado)

Mutisia hamata (Chinchircoma/Flora de la estrella/Flor de la granada/Clavel del Campo)

Mutisia ilicifolia (Clavel del campo)

Mutisia latifolia

Mutisia linearifolia (Clavel del campo)

Mutisia oligodon

Mutisia rosea

Mutisia sinuata

Mutisia sinuata

Mutisia sp. #1431

Mutisia sp. #3028

Mutisia sp. similar Cana #0649

Mutisia spectabilis

Mutisia spinosa

Mutisia subulata (Flor de la granada / Clavel del campo)

Mutisia subulata fma. rosmarinifolia (Hierba del jote / Flor de la granada)

Nardophyllum lanatum (Chilca)

Nassauvia aculeata (Hierba de la culebra)

Nassauvia argentea (Nassauvia)

Nassauvia axillaris (Calahuala)

Nassauvia dentata

Nassauvia digitada (Nassauvia)

Nassauvia lagascae (Repollito / Nassauvia pigmea)

Nassauvia looseri

Nassauvia magellanica

Nassauvia pinnigera (Flor del gringo)

Nassauvia pyramidalis (Nassauvia de espiga densa)

Nassauvia revoluta (Nassauvia)

Nassauvia sp. #1714

Nassauvia sprengelioides

Nassauvia uniflora

Ophryosporus paradoxus

Ophryosporus triangularis

Pachylaena atriplicifolia

Pachylaena rosea

Parastrephia lucida

Parastrephia quadrangularis (Chacha / Koba / Pulika / Sipu / Chijarwalla)

Perezia carthamoides (Estrella blanca de cordillera)

Perezia lyrata

Perezia nutans

Perezia pedicularidifolia (Estrella de los Andes)

Perezia pilifera

Perezia pupurata

Perezia recurvata (Perezia)

Perezia sp. #1021

Perezia sp. #1465

Perezia sp. #1577

Perezia sp. #1584

Perezia sp. #3026

Perezia sp. #3041

Perezia sp. #7547

Perezia sp. #7582 (pereiza)

Perityle emoryi

Picris echioides (Buglosa / Lechuguilla)

Plazia daphnoides

Pluchea absinthioides (Brea / Chilquilla / Soroma / Peril)

Podanthus mitiqui (Mitique / Palo negro)

Podanthus ovatifolius (Mitique / Palo negro)

Polyachyrus annus (Guata de lagarto)

Polyachyrus carduoides

Polyachyrus sp. #1419

Polyachyrus sp. #1511

Polyachyrus sp. #1555 (Borlón de alforja)

Polyachyrus sp. #1609

Polyachyrus spaerocephalus (Sokasoka)

Proustia cuneifolia (Huañil)

Proustia cuneifolia

Proustia ilicifolia (Huañil)

Proustia pyrifolia (Tola blanca)

Senecio anthemidiphyllus

Senecio cymosus (Palplalén / Para ná)

Senecio davilae

Senecio eriophyton

Senecio eruciformis (Senecio de cordillera)

Senecio fistulosus (Hualtata)

Senecio gilliesii

Senecio hollermayeri

Senecio johnstonianus

Senecio looseri

Senecio murinus

Senecio murorum

Senecio myriophyllus

Senecio nutans

Senecio otites

Senecio planiflorus

Senecio poeppigii

Senecio smithii

Senecio sp, #3121

Senecio sp. #1428

Senecio sp. #1552

Senecio sp. #1690

Senecio sp. #1771

Senecio sp. #1935

Senecio sp. #7321

Senecio sp. #1279

Senecio sp. #1308

Senecio sp. #1326

Senecio sp. #1331

Senecio sp. #1398

Senecio sp. #1456

Senecio sp. #1457

Senecio sp. #1458

Senecio sp. #1487

Senecio sp. #1514

Senecio sp. #1525

Senecio sp. #1536

Senecio sp. #1563

Senecio sp. #1564

Senecio sp. #1569

Senecio sp. #1574

Senecio sp. #1576

Senecio sp. #1578

Senecio sp. #1581

Senecio sp. #1585

Senecio sp. #1606

Senecio sp. #1627

Senecio sp. #1630

Senecio sp. #1644

Senecio sp. #1647

Senecio sp. #1684

Senecio sp. #1686

Senecio sp. #1728

Senecio sp. #1740

Senecio sp. #1741

Senecio sp. #1977

Senecio sp. #2024

Senecio sp. #2042

Senecio sp. #2046

Senecio sp. #2047

Senecio sp. #2048

Senecio sp. #2055

Senecio sp. #2063

Senecio sp. #2111

Senecio sp. #2172

Senecio sp. #2189

Senecio sp. #2201

Senecio sp. #2203

Senecio sp. #2230

Senecio sp. #2231

Senecio sp. #2235

Senecio sp. #2236

Senecio sp. #2242

Senecio sp. #2257

Senecio sp. #2751

Senecio sp. #3115

Senecio sp. #3131

Senecio sp. #3159

Senecio subdiscoideus

Senecio trifurcatus

Senecio vulgaris

Senecio zoellneri

Siegesbeckia sp. #2281

Silybum marianum (Cardo mariano / Cardo santo)

Solidago chilensis (Fulel)

Sonchus sp. #1560

Stevia chamaedrys

Tagetes multiflora

Tanacetum parthenium (Piretro de jardín / Altamisa)

Taraxacum officinale (Diente de león / Lechuguilla)

Tragopogon porrifolius

Tragopogon pratensis (salsifí de prado)

Trichocline aurea

Triptilion capillatum (Siempreviva blanca)

Triptilion gibbosum

Triptilion spinosum (Siempreviva)

Trixis cacolioides

Urmenetea atacamensis

Viguiera gayana

Viguiera pazensis

Viguiera revoluta (Maravilla del cerro)

Werneria aretioides

Werneria pinnatifida

Werneria pygmaea

Xanthium cavanillesii (Clonqui / Abrojo)

Xanthium sp. #1820

Xanthium spinosum (Cepacaballo / Abrojo / Clonqui)

Unidentified Plant sp. #1444

Unidentified Plant sp. #1445

Unidentified Plant sp. #2116

Unidentified Plant sp. #2356

Unidentified Plant sp. #2373


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