Sub Index Selector
Plants Sorted According to the Height Above the Sea Level
Extreme altitude (195)
Tree (1)
Shrub (40)
Perennial (112)
Annual (12)
Biannual (1)
Climber (1)
Fern (1)
Bulb Plant (4)
Creeping Plant (5)
Cactus (2)
No info (16)
High altitude (460)
Shrub (102)
Perennial (253)
Annual (31)
Biannual (4)
Climber (7)
Fern (7)
Bulb Plant (9)
Creeping Plant (10)
Cactus (3)
No info (33)
Medium altitude (712)
Tree (39)
Shrub (214)
Perennial (254)
Annual (68)
Biannual (6)
Climber (29)
Fern (11)
Bulb Plant (10)
Creeping Plant (11)
Mushroom (3)
Cactus (8)
No info (59)
Low altitude (953)
Tree (79)
Shrub (248)
Perennial (284)
Annual (113)
Biannual (12)
Climber (46)
Fern (17)
Bulb Plant (29)
Creeping Plant (9)
Mushroom (14)
Cactus (15)
No info (87)
Coast. mnts. (819)
Shrub (226)
Perennial (234)
Annual (106)
Biannual (11)
Climber (36)
Fern (15)
Bulb Plant (26)
Creeping Plant (13)
Mushroom (12)
Cactus (12)
No info (49)
Coastal areas (853)
Tree (67)
Shrub (196)
Perennial (250)
Annual (107)
Climber (28)
Fern (16)
Bulb Plant (38)
Creeping Plant (16)
Mushroom (13)
Cactus (13)
No info (98)
No info (420)
Shrub (2)
Bulb Plant (1)
Mushroom (2)
No info (413)
Plant Selector
Acacia caven
Aextoxicon punctatum
Araucaria araucana
Aristotelia chilensis
Austrocedrus chilensis
Beilschmiedia berteroana
Caldcluvia paniculata
Cryptocarya alba
Drimys winteri
Embothrium coccineum
Escallonia revoluta
Gevuina avellana
Jovellana punctata
Kageneckia angustifolia
Kageneckia oblonga
Laurelia sempervirens
Lomatia dentada
Lomatia hirsuta
Luma apiculata
Maytenus boaria
Maytenus magellanica
Myrceugenia exsucca
Nothofagus alpina
Nothofagus antarctica
Nothofagus betuloides
Nothofagus dombeyi
Nothofagus macrocarpa
Nothofagus obliqua
Persea lingue
Peumus boldus
Pilgerodendron uviferum
Podocarpus saligna
Polylepis rugulosa
Prosopis alba var. alba
Prumnopitys andina
Pseudopanax laetevirens
Quillaja saponaria
Saxegothaea conspicua
Weinmannia trichosperma