극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria pseudospatulata (Repollito amarillo)
This alstroemeria is quite rare in Chile, it is found only in a small area of about 100 km2. It has beatiful yellow flowers, which, combined with the low height of the plant, make it an excellent potting plant. It needs soil with good drainage and is very hardy (where it lives, the snow cover lasts for up to 6 months). When transplanting, special care must be exercised, because, unlike other alstroemerias which tolerate transplanting without any problems, this alstroemeria has problems for regenerating damaged roots, so that it is best to plant it in the definitive place.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
50 g.: |
96미화달러 |
5 g.: |
19미화달러 |
100 g.: |
177미화달러 |
10 g.: |
29미화달러 |
25 g.: |
57미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 25 cm.
Alstroemeria umbellata (Lirio de cordillera rosado)
As many Chilean alstroemerias, this is a very beatiful flower. It has the advanatage that it grows low, and is ideally suited for potting, although of course it can be grown outside. The place where it grows is covered with snow for more than 4 months and - 10º C is frequent here" It needs loose, poor soil with good drainage and moderate watering.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
5 g.: |
19미화달러 |
10 g.: |
29미화달러 |
25 g.: |
57미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 40 m.
Araucaria araucana (Araucaria, Pehuén, Piñonero)
No doubt that this is one of the most famous Chilean plants. It is huge, tall, sturdy, strange-looking, it bark very reminiscent of the dinosaur skin, and this comparision is not too far fetched, because it is one of the oldest families of trees on earth. In addition, it also one of the long-living species, and there are many treees older than 1000 years. The only inconvenience is that it grows very slowly. On the positive side, it is ideally suited for beginners, because no matter how badly you botch it up, the seeds will germinate anyway, and because the seeds are so big, it a couple of weeks you obtain an established plant (10 - 15 cm).
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
100 g.: |
5미화달러 |
250 g.: |
7미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
14미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Argemone hunnemannii (Cardo Santo)
This plant grows in relatively warm northern regions of Chile. It has beautiful big white flowers, which, when open, can reach 6 - 7 cm. in diameter. This plant being annual does not have restrictions as to the coldness of the zone where it can grow, all it needs is about 5 - 6 months of relatively warm weather (a maximum of +20º C is more than sufficient). It is quite prolific in terms of seeds, so that you would not have any troubles obtaining seeds for the next season. The only disadvantage is that it has thorns on the leaves, flower buds, and fruits, which may discourage a closer contact.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
10미화달러 |
5 g.: |
28미화달러 |
10 g.: |
41미화달러 |
25 g.: |
82미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
Argemone subfusiformis ()
This is a very imposing annual plant, very easy to grow and spectacular to watch, due to its big yellow flowers, throny leaves, throny buds, and throny fruits. Once you establish the plant, it will resow automatically each year, and you will even obtain surpluss seeds for trading. Being an annual plant, it does not present problems for cold climates, but it may not be able to reach maturity in places where the summer period is very short.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
10미화달러 |
5 g.: |
28미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 2 m.
Berberis montana (Michay, Calafate)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
10 g.: |
7미화달러 |
250 g.: |
92미화달러 |
25 g.: |
13미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
320미화달러 |
50 g.: |
22미화달러 |
100 g.: |
40미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 2 m.
Bomarea salsilla (Salsilla, Zarcilla, Copihuito)
This is a very nice climber
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
50 g.: |
102미화달러 |
5 g.: |
21미화달러 |
100 g.: |
190미화달러 |
10 g.: |
31미화달러 |
250 g.: |
431미화달러 |
25 g.: |
61미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
1500미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 5 m.
Buddleja globosa (Matico, Pañil)
This is a plant which is extremely easy to grow, quite resistant to cold, is medicinal, and has a nice, interesting appearance. It is ideally suited for the beginners if you want to start with Chilean plants.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
12미화달러 |
50 g.: |
164미화달러 |
5 g.: |
33미화달러 |
100 g.: |
304미화달러 |
10 g.: |
49미화달러 |
25 g.: |
98미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 40 cm.
Caiophora coronata (Ortiguilla, Clavel-ortiga, Rupa chica)
This strange-looking plant boasts huge white flowers (7-8 cm in diameter), is easy to grow, and is an excellent candidate for outdoor growing for colder climates.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
10미화달러 |
50 g.: |
137미화달러 |
5 g.: |
28미화달러 |
100 g.: |
253미화달러 |
10 g.: |
41미화달러 |
250 g.: |
575미화달러 |
25 g.: |
82미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
2000미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 40 cm.
Calceolaria arachnoidea (Capachito morado)
This is one of the most common calceolarias and it served as the basis for creating new varieties. It is quite easy to germinate and the only problem is that the seedlings are very small and it the transplanting must be done very carefully. Other than that, the plant is very easy and undemanding, the only condition being that it needs a lot of water. This calceolaria is very hardy, so that you may succesfuklly winter it down to -15º - 20º C.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
5 g.: |
35미화달러 |
10 g.: |
65미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 70 cm.
Calceolaria dentata ssp. araucana (Capachito)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
5 g.: |
35미화달러 |
10 g.: |
65미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Cistanthe salsoloides ()
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
25미화달러 |
5 g.: |
69미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 15 m.
Cryptocarya alba (Peumo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
250 g.: |
10미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
18미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 18 m.
Dasyphyllum diacanthoides (Trevo, Palo santo, Palo blanco, Tayu)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
5 g.: |
8미화달러 |
100 g.: |
71미화달러 |
10 g.: |
11미화달러 |
250 g.: |
161미화달러 |
25 g.: |
23미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
560미화달러 |
50 g.: |
38미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Encelia canescens (Coronilla del fraile)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
50 g.: |
109미화달러 |
5 g.: |
22미화달러 |
100 g.: |
202미화달러 |
10 g.: |
33미화달러 |
25 g.: |
66미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
Ephedra chilensis (Pingo-pingo, Transmontana, Solupe)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
10 g.: |
6미화달러 |
250 g.: |
86미화달러 |
25 g.: |
12미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
300미화달러 |
50 g.: |
20미화달러 |
100 g.: |
38미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Flourensia thurifera (Maravilla del campo, Incienso)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
25 g.: |
16미화달러 |
50 g.: |
27미화달러 |
100 g.: |
51미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Francoa appendiculata (Llaupangue, Vara de mármol)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
50 g.: |
109미화달러 |
5 g.: |
22미화달러 |
100 g.: |
202미화달러 |
10 g.: |
33미화달러 |
250 g.: |
460미화달러 |
25 g.: |
66미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
1600미화달러 |
Geoffroea decorticans (Chañar)
This plant comes from northern Chile and historically has been very important as a source of edible fruits for the local Indian populations. In areas like San Pedro de Atacama it was a staple food, and it is very prolific. Its Chilean name is chañar, and there is even a city named after it - Chañaral.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
100 g.: |
15미화달러 |
250 g.: |
30미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
100미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Geum magellanicum (Hierba del clavo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
5 g.: |
14미화달러 |
100 g.: |
127미화달러 |
10 g.: |
20미화달러 |
25 g.: |
41미화달러 |
50 g.: |
68미화달러 |