

평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
Acaena ovalifolia (Amor seco, cadilla)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
11미화달러 |

100 g.: |
101미화달러 |

10 g.: |
16미화달러 |

250 g.: |
230미화달러 |

25 g.: |
33미화달러 |

50 g.: |
55미화달러 |


평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 25 cm.
Acaena sp. #1552 ()
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
11미화달러 |

100 g.: |
101미화달러 |

10 g.: |
16미화달러 |

250 g.: |
230미화달러 |

25 g.: |
33미화달러 |

50 g.: |
55미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 4 m.
Acrisione denticulata (Palpalén, Palo de yegua)
This is interesting shrub from the asteraceae family. It offers silver foliage and beautiful yellow-colored flowers which will glow from far away. It is not very hardy, so that it can tolerate only frost, not snow. It grows relatively fast and will reward you with beautiful bouquets of yellow flowers in the spring.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
7미화달러 |

100 g.: |
38미화달러 |

10 g.: |
10미화달러 |

25 g.: |
12미화달러 |

50 g.: |
20미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. ligtu (Liuto)
Very beautiful alstroemeria, but not for very cold climates. This subspecies differs from other Alstoemeria ligtu by much narrower tepals and usually bright red color.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
15미화달러 |

100 g.: |
139미화달러 |

10 g.: |
23미화달러 |

25 g.: |
45미화달러 |

50 g.: |
75미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria pseudospatulata (Repollito amarillo)
This alstroemeria is quite rare in Chile, it is found only in a small area of about 100 km2. It has beatiful yellow flowers, which, combined with the low height of the plant, make it an excellent potting plant. It needs soil with good drainage and is very hardy (where it lives, the snow cover lasts for up to 6 months). When transplanting, special care must be exercised, because, unlike other alstroemerias which tolerate transplanting without any problems, this alstroemeria has problems for regenerating damaged roots, so that it is best to plant it in the definitive place.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

50 g.: |
96미화달러 |

5 g.: |
19미화달러 |

100 g.: |
177미화달러 |

10 g.: |
29미화달러 |

25 g.: |
57미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Alstroemeria revoluta (Alstroemeria)
Alstroemeria revoluta has the smallest flowers in Chile which measure less then half the size of most other alstroemerias. Despite that it still is a very attractive plant, because the flowers are delicately pink-colored and the petals bent back (that is where it names caomes from - revoluta) give it a very peculiar look. It grows in relatively rich soils, can tolerate some shade and may not be very hardy. At least in Chile it grows in places where there is frost, but not snowcover.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

100 g.: |
202미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Anemone moorei ()
This is one of the most rare plants in Chile. Currently, it is known to grow in one very restricted area with two locations. It has beautiful and big white flowers and grows like a small shrub. We have not tried out this plant yet, but it appears that it would need rich organic, somewhat acid soil, a lot of shade, quite a bit of watering, and frost and occasional snowfall seems not to be a problem.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 3 m.
Azara lanceolata (Aromo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

100 g.: |
127미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |

250 g.: |
288미화달러 |

25 g.: |
41미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
1000미화달러 |

50 g.: |
68미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 50 m.
Azara microphylla (Chin-chin, Roblecillo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

100 g.: |
127미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |

250 g.: |
288미화달러 |

25 g.: |
41미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
1000미화달러 |

50 g.: |
68미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
Azara petiolaris (Maquicillo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
5미화달러 |

250 g.: |
66미화달러 |

25 g.: |
9미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
230미화달러 |

50 g.: |
16미화달러 |

100 g.: |
29미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 5 m.
Azara serrata (Corcolén)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

100 g.: |
127미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |

250 g.: |
288미화달러 |

25 g.: |
41미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
1000미화달러 |

50 g.: |
68미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 25 m.
Beilschmiedia miersii (Belloto, Belloto del Norte)
패킷: |
12미화달러 |

250 g.: |
10미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
30미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 15 m.
Berberidopsis corallina (Michay rojo)


좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Berberis darwinii (Michay, Calafate)
This berberis plant, named in honor of Darwin, has the typical appearance of berberis - with its thorny leaves, thorns on the branches, yellow nice flowers, and blue edible fruits. It is relatively easy to cultivate and will reward you with a somewhat strange appearance and at the same time it will supply you with the edible fruits.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2.5 m.
Berberis trigona (Calafate, Michay)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2 m.
Blechnum chilense (Costilla de vaca, Quilquil, Palmilla)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 20 m.
Blepharocalyx cruckshanksii (Temu, Palo colorado)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
7미화달러 |

25 g.: |
13미화달러 |

50 g.: |
22미화달러 |

100 g.: |
40미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 2 m.
Bomarea salsilla (Salsilla, Zarcilla, Copihuito)
This is a very nice climber
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

50 g.: |
102미화달러 |

5 g.: |
21미화달러 |

100 g.: |
190미화달러 |

10 g.: |
31미화달러 |

250 g.: |
431미화달러 |

25 g.: |
61미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
1500미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 6 m.
Boquila trifoliolata (Voqui blanco, Pilpilvoqui)
A common, vigorous climber in Chile.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

5 g.: |
24미화달러 |

10 g.: |
35미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 25 cm.
Brachystele unilateralis ()
패킷: |
25미화달러 |
