

평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 3 m.
Acacia caven (Espino)
This is a small tree or shrub, quite common in Chile. It is easy to germinate and easy grow, it grows quite fast, reaching almost 2 m. by the end of the second year. It is not demanding in as far as soil is concerned, and requires little watering. It is not very hardy, but can withstand freezing spells.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

100 g.: |
8미화달러 |

250 g.: |
17미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
60미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Alstroemeria angustifolia ()
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
12미화달러 |

5 g.: |
35미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 40 cm.
Alstroemeria diluta ssp. chrysantha ()
패킷: |
12미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 10 cm.
Alstroemeria hookeri ssp. recumbens ()
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
12미화달러 |

50 g.: |
171미화달러 |

5 g.: |
35미화달러 |

100 g.: |
316미화달러 |

10 g.: |
51미화달러 |

250 g.: |
719미화달러 |

25 g.: |
102미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
2500미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. simsii (Flor del gallo)
This Alstoemeria grows in the more warmer areas, where freezing may occur in winter, but where there is generally now snow. It is a huge plant, one of the tallest Alstroemerias in Chile (may reach more than 120 cm"), and is very robust. One inflorescense may have up to 25 fiery flowers. Needs moderate watering and poor soil.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
15미화달러 |

100 g.: |
139미화달러 |

10 g.: |
23미화달러 |

25 g.: |
45미화달러 |

50 g.: |
75미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 60 cm.
Alstroemeria pelegrina (Pelegrina, Mariposa de Los Molles)
This Alstroemeria was one of the first to be taken to Europe for cultivation. Its main disadvantage that in its natural habitat it does not tolerate freezing nor very high temperatures, because it grows very close to the shoreline, where the sea stabilizes the temperature fluctuation.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
15미화달러 |

100 g.: |
139미화달러 |

10 g.: |
23미화달러 |

25 g.: |
45미화달러 |

50 g.: |
75미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria pulchra ssp. pulchra (Flor de Aguila, Flor de San Martin, Mariposa del Campo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

50 g.: |
96미화달러 |

5 g.: |
19미화달러 |

100 g.: |
177미화달러 |

10 g.: |
29미화달러 |

25 g.: |
57미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima ()
This is a very robust and big Alstoemeria. It may have white or purple flowers and may reach 120 cm. It grows in areas where there are no freezing temperatures, on poor soils.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Argemone hunnemannii (Cardo Santo)
This plant grows in relatively warm northern regions of Chile. It has beautiful big white flowers, which, when open, can reach 6 - 7 cm. in diameter. This plant being annual does not have restrictions as to the coldness of the zone where it can grow, all it needs is about 5 - 6 months of relatively warm weather (a maximum of +20º C is more than sufficient). It is quite prolific in terms of seeds, so that you would not have any troubles obtaining seeds for the next season. The only disadvantage is that it has thorns on the leaves, flower buds, and fruits, which may discourage a closer contact.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
10미화달러 |

5 g.: |
28미화달러 |

10 g.: |
41미화달러 |

25 g.: |
82미화달러 |


평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
Argemone subfusiformis ()
This is a very imposing annual plant, very easy to grow and spectacular to watch, due to its big yellow flowers, throny leaves, throny buds, and throny fruits. Once you establish the plant, it will resow automatically each year, and you will even obtain surpluss seeds for trading. Being an annual plant, it does not present problems for cold climates, but it may not be able to reach maturity in places where the summer period is very short.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
10미화달러 |

5 g.: |
28미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Argylia potentillaefolia ()


평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 2 m.
Aristeguietia salvia (Salvia macho, Pegajosa, Pega-pega)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |

25 g.: |
41미화달러 |

50 g.: |
68미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 15 cm.
Aristolochia chilensis (Oreja de zorro, Hierba de la Virgen Maria)
This species is one of the two or three Aristolochias in Chile (it is still undecided whether one species is a valid species). It is one of the few insectivorous plants in Chile. Grows in relatively warm conditions (no frost), little watering, poor, sandy soils with good drainage.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
10미화달러 |

50 g.: |
137미화달러 |

5 g.: |
28미화달러 |

10 g.: |
41미화달러 |

25 g.: |
82미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Baccharis linearis (Romerillo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
8미화달러 |

250 g.: |
115미화달러 |

25 g.: |
16미화달러 |

50 g.: |
27미화달러 |

100 g.: |
51미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 40 cm.
Baccharis sp. ()
패킷: |
7미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
Bahia ambrosoides (Chamiza blanca, Manzanilla cimarrona)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
7미화달러 |

10 g.: |
10미화달러 |

25 g.: |
20미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Berberis actinacantha (Michay)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 2.5 m.
Berberis chilensis var. chilensis (Michay)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

25 g.: |
11미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
280미화달러 |

50 g.: |
19미화달러 |

100 g.: |
35미화달러 |

250 g.: |
81미화달러 |



평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 3 m.
Berberis microphylla (Michay, Calafate)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
7미화달러 |

250 g.: |
92미화달러 |

25 g.: |
13미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
320미화달러 |

50 g.: |
22미화달러 |

100 g.: |
40미화달러 |



좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 25 cm.
Brachystele unilateralis ()
패킷: |
25미화달러 |
