

극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Digitalis purpurea (Dedalera, Campanilla)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

50 g.: |
20미화달러 |

100 g.: |
38미화달러 |

250 g.: |
86미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
300미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 5 m.
Eccremocarpus scaber (Chupa-chupa, Chupa-poto)
This is also a Chilean plant, although few people know it as such, because it was cultivated for a long time in Europe and the USA. It makes an excellent climber for areas with restricted watering and bad-quality soil.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
7미화달러 |

100 g.: |
63미화달러 |

10 g.: |
10미화달러 |

250 g.: |
144미화달러 |

25 g.: |
20미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
500미화달러 |

50 g.: |
34미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Gavilea odoratissima ()


극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 80 cm.
Gymnophyton isatidicarpum (Bío-bío)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
8미화달러 |

250 g.: |
115미화달러 |

25 g.: |
16미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
400미화달러 |

50 g.: |
27미화달러 |

100 g.: |
51미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 10 m.
Hydrangea serratifolia (Canelilla, Voqui naranjo, Voqui paulun)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

50 g.: |
102미화달러 |

5 g.: |
21미화달러 |

100 g.: |
190미화달러 |

10 g.: |
31미화달러 |

250 g.: |
431미화달러 |

25 g.: |
61미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
1500미화달러 |




극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 10 m.
Lardizabala biternata (Cóguil, Voqui blanco, Voqui, Coguilera)
This plant is little known outside Chile, although many locals crave for its sweet fruits.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

25 g.: |
13미화달러 |

50 g.: |
21미화달러 |

100 g.: |
39미화달러 |

250 g.: |
89미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 70 cm.
Mimulus luteus (Berro amarillo, Placa)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 2 m.
Mutisia decurrens (Clavel del campo anaranjado)
패킷: |
12미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 25 m.
Quillaja saponaria (Quillay)
This is a very interesting tree
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

25 g.: |
11미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
270미화달러 |

50 g.: |
18미화달러 |

100 g.: |
34미화달러 |

250 g.: |
78미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 7 m.
Rhaphithamnus spinosus (Arrayán macho, Espino blanco, Huayún)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

10 g.: |
7미화달러 |

250 g.: |
104미화달러 |

25 g.: |
15미화달러 |

1000 g.: |
360미화달러 |

50 g.: |
25미화달러 |

100 g.: |
46미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 6 m.
Sarmienta repens (Medallita)
패킷: |
12미화달러 |

1 g.: |
30미화달러 |

5 g.: |
120미화달러 |

10 g.: |
200미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 10 m.
Saxegothaea conspicua (Mañío hembra, Mañío de hojas cortas)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

5 g.: |
19미화달러 |

10 g.: |
29미화달러 |

25 g.: |
57미화달러 |


극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Schizanthus grahamii (Mariposita)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
116미화달러 |

5 g.: |
24미화달러 |

100 g.: |
215미화달러 |

10 g.: |
35미화달러 |

25 g.: |
70미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Sisyrinchium striatum (Huilmo amarillo, Ñuño)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
14미화달러 |

100 g.: |
127미화달러 |

10 g.: |
20미화달러 |

25 g.: |
41미화달러 |

50 g.: |
68미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 30 m.
Weinmannia trichosperma (Tineo, Palo santo)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |

1 g.: |
10미화달러 |

50 g.: |
170미화달러 |

5 g.: |
26미화달러 |

10 g.: |
45미화달러 |

25 g.: |
90미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. ligtu (Liuto)
Very beautiful alstroemeria, but not for very cold climates. This subspecies differs from other Alstoemeria ligtu by much narrower tepals and usually bright red color.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
15미화달러 |

100 g.: |
139미화달러 |

10 g.: |
23미화달러 |

25 g.: |
45미화달러 |

50 g.: |
75미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. simsii (Flor del gallo)
This Alstoemeria grows in the more warmer areas, where freezing may occur in winter, but where there is generally now snow. It is a huge plant, one of the tallest Alstroemerias in Chile (may reach more than 120 cm"), and is very robust. One inflorescense may have up to 25 fiery flowers. Needs moderate watering and poor soil.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

5 g.: |
15미화달러 |

100 g.: |
139미화달러 |

10 g.: |
23미화달러 |

25 g.: |
45미화달러 |

50 g.: |
75미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
Alstroemeria pulchra ssp. pulchra (Flor de Aguila, Flor de San Martin, Mariposa del Campo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
7미화달러 |

50 g.: |
96미화달러 |

5 g.: |
19미화달러 |

100 g.: |
177미화달러 |

10 g.: |
29미화달러 |

25 g.: |
57미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 1.2 m.
Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima ()
This is a very robust and big Alstoemeria. It may have white or purple flowers and may reach 120 cm. It grows in areas where there are no freezing temperatures, on poor soils.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |



극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Anemone moorei ()
This is one of the most rare plants in Chile. Currently, it is known to grow in one very restricted area with two locations. It has beautiful and big white flowers and grows like a small shrub. We have not tried out this plant yet, but it appears that it would need rich organic, somewhat acid soil, a lot of shade, quite a bit of watering, and frost and occasional snowfall seems not to be a problem.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |

1 g.: |
8미화달러 |

50 g.: |
109미화달러 |

5 g.: |
22미화달러 |

10 g.: |
33미화달러 |

25 g.: |
66미화달러 |
