Shade Tolerant Plants: 68 Records

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The prices are given in USD. Almost all of the seeds are available for immediate delivery, but still, please confirm the availability by email.



The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Some ornamental value (B)


Acaena ovalifolia
(Amor seco, cadilla)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 55 USD
5 g: 11 USD   100 g: 101 USD
10 g: 16 USD   250 g: 230 USD
25 g: 33 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 4 m.


Acrisione denticulata
(Palpalén, Palo de yegua)

This is interesting shrub from the asteraceae family. It offers silver foliage and beautiful yellow-colored flowers which will glow from far away. It is not very hardy, so that it can tolerate only frost, not snow.

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 20 USD
5 g: 7 USD   100 g: 38 USD
10 g: 10 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 12 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)



Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. ligtu

Very beautiful alstroemeria, but not for cold climates.

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 75 USD
5 g: 15 USD   100 g: 139 USD
10 g: 23 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 45 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)


Alstroemeria pseudospatulata
(Repollito amarillo)

This alstroemeria is quite rare in Chile, it is found only in a small area of about 100 km2. It has beatiful yellow flowers, which, combined with the low height of the plant, make it an excellent potting plant. It needs soil with good drainage and is very hardy (where it lives, the snow cover lasts for up to 6 months). When transplanting, special care must be exercised, because, unlike other alstroemerias which tolerate transplanting without any problems, this alstroemeria has problems for regenerating damaged roots.

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 96 USD
5 g: 19 USD   100 g: 177 USD
10 g: 29 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 57 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 80 cm.


Alstroemeria revoluta

Alstroemeria revoluta has the smallest flowers in Chile which measure less then half the size of most other alstroemerias. Despite that it still is a very attractive plant, because the flowers are delicately pink-colored and the petals bent back give it a very peculiar look. It grows in relatively rich soils, can tolerate some shade and may not be very hardy. At least in Chile it grows in places where there is frost, but not snowcover.

1 g: 8 USD   50 g: 109 USD
5 g: 22 USD   100 g: 202 USD
10 g: 33 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 66 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 50 cm.


Anemone moorei

This is one of the most rare plants in Chile. Currently, it is known to grow in one very restricted area with two locations. It has beautiful and big white flowers and grows like a small shrub. We have not tried out this plant yet, but it appears that it would need rich organic, somewhat acid soil, a lot of shade, quite a bit of watering, and frost and occasional snowfall seems not to be a problem.

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 75 USD
5 g: 15 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 23 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 45 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Low germination, less than 30 %

Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 3 m.


Azara lanceolata

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 50 m.


Azara microphylla
(Chin-chin, Roblecillo)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Low germination, less than 30 %

Some ornamental value (B)


Azara petiolaris

1 g:     50 g: 16 USD
5 g:     100 g: 29 USD
10 g: 5 USD   250 g: 66 USD
25 g: 9 USD   1000 g: 230 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 5 m.


Azara serrata

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant does not tolerate freezing.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Average germination, 30 - 60 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 15 m.


Berberidopsis corallina
(Michay rojo)

1 g: 50 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plant


Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 70 cm.


Berberis bidentada
(Michay, Calafate)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

Edible plant


Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 1.5 m.


Berberis darwinii
(Michay, Calafate)

This berberis plant, named in honor of Darwin, has the typical appearance of berberis - with its thorny leaves, thorns on the branches, yellow nice flowers, and blue edible fruits. It is relatively easy to cultivate and will reward you with a somewhat strange appearance and at the same time it will supply you with the edible fruits.

1 g:     50 g: 19 USD
5 g: 5 USD   100 g: 35 USD
10 g: 6 USD   250 g: 81 USD
25 g: 11 USD   1000 g: 280 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 2 m.


Bomarea salsilla
(Salsilla, Zarcilla, Copihuito)

This is a very nice climber

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 102 USD
5 g: 21 USD   100 g: 190 USD
10 g: 31 USD   250 g: 431 USD
25 g: 61 USD   1000 g: 1500 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

Edible plantIndustrial Use


Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 6 m.


Boquila trifoliolata
(Voqui blanco, Pilpilvoqui)

1 g: 8 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 24 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 35 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 5 m.


Buddleja globosa
(Matico, Pañil)

1 g: 12 USD   50 g: 164 USD
5 g: 33 USD   100 g: 304 USD
10 g: 49 USD   250 g: 690 USD
25 g: 98 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 15 m.


Campsidium valdivianum
(Pilpilvoqui, Voqui de canasta)

1 g: 50 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalIndustrial Use


Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 5 m.


Cissus striata
(Voqui colorado)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Excellent germination capacity, over 80%

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 12 m.


Citronella mucronata
(Naranjillo, Patagua, Huillipatagua)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 27 USD
5 g: 6 USD   100 g: 51 USD
10 g: 8 USD   250 g: 115 USD
25 g: 16 USD   1000 g: 400 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plant

PerennialBulb Plant

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 40 cm.


Conanthera bifolia
(Pajarito del campo, Flor de la viuda)

1 g: 25 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 69 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 102 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

POISONOUS PlantIndustrial Use


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 2 m.


Coriaria ruscifolia
(Deu, Huique, Matarratones)

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 96 USD
5 g: 19 USD   100 g: 177 USD
10 g: 29 USD   250 g: 403 USD
25 g: 57 USD   1000 g: 1400 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 15 m.


Crinodendron patagua

1 g:     50 g: 14 USD
5 g:     100 g: 25 USD
10 g: 5 USD   250 g: 57 USD
25 g: 8 USD   1000 g: 200 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plantFodder plantIndustrial Use


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 15 m.


Cryptocarya alba

1 g:     50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g: 15 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 18 m.


Dasyphyllum diacanthoides
(Trevo, Palo santo, Palo blanco, Tayu)

1 g:     50 g: 38 USD
5 g: 8 USD   100 g: 71 USD
10 g: 11 USD   250 g: 161 USD
25 g: 23 USD   1000 g: 560 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 3 m.


Diplolepsis menziesii
(Voqui amarillo, Voquicillo)

1 g: 10 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 28 USD   100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Low germination, less than 30 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 1.2 m.


Drimys andina
(Canelo enano, Canelo andino)

1 g: 12 USD   50 g: 171 USD
5 g: 35 USD   100 g: 316 USD
10 g: 51 USD   250 g: 719 USD
25 g: 102 USD   1000 g: 2500 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 25 m.


Drimys winteri
(Canelo, Fuñe, Boighe, Boique)

1 g:     50 g: 25 USD
5 g: 5 USD   100 g: 46 USD
10 g: 7 USD   250 g: 104 USD
25 g: 15 USD   1000 g: 360 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 5 m.


Eccremocarpus scaber
(Chupa-chupa, Chupa-poto)

This is also a Chilean plant, although few people know it as such, because it was cultivated for a long time in Europe and the USA. It makes an excellent climber for areas with restricted watering and bad-quality soil.

1 g:     50 g: 34 USD
5 g: 7 USD   100 g: 63 USD
10 g: 10 USD   250 g: 144 USD
25 g: 20 USD   1000 g: 500 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Good ornamental value (A)



Elytropus chilensis
(Quilmay, Poroto del campo)

1 g: 10 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 28 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 41 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 82 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Dry, arid areas, with long draught periods of 6 - 10 months. Precipitations of 100 mm - 300 mm. are concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 2 m.


Fabiana imbricata
(Pichi, Peta, Romero)

1 g: 12 USD   50 g: 164 USD
5 g: 33 USD   100 g: 304 USD
10 g: 49 USD   250 g: 690 USD
25 g: 98 USD   1000 g: 2400 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 1.2 m.


Francoa appendiculata
(Llaupangue, Vara de mármol)

1 g: 8 USD   50 g: 109 USD
5 g: 22 USD   100 g: 202 USD
10 g: 33 USD   250 g: 460 USD
25 g: 66 USD   1000 g: 1600 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Average germination, 30 - 60 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 2.7 m.


Fuchsia magellanica
(Chilco, Chilca, Palo blanco)

1 g: 9 USD   50 g: 123 USD
5 g: 25 USD   100 g: 228 USD
10 g: 37 USD   250 g: 518 USD
25 g: 74 USD   1000 g: 1800 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalIndustrial Use


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 1.5 m.


Galium hypocarpium

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plant


Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 1.2 m.


Gaultheria phillyreifolia
(Chaura común)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g: 288 USD
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g: 1000 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plantTimber


Excellent germination capacity, over 80%

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 20 m.


Gevuina avellana
(Avellano, Gevuín)

1 g:     50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g: 7 USD
25 g:     1000 g: 14 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 60 cm.


Gilliesia montana

1 g: 70 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plant


No ornamental value (C)

Height: 18 m.


Gomortega keule
(Qeule, Keule)

1 g:     50 g:  
5 g:     100 g: 6 USD
10 g:     250 g: 12 USD
25 g:     1000 g: 45 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Low germination, less than 30 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 10 m.


Hydrangea serratifolia
(Canelilla, Voqui naranjo, Voqui paulun)

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 102 USD
5 g: 21 USD   100 g: 190 USD
10 g: 31 USD   250 g: 431 USD
25 g: 61 USD   1000 g: 1500 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

Edible plantIndustrial Use


Average germination, 30 - 60 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 10 m.


Lapageria rosea

1 g:     50 g: 21 USD
5 g:     100 g: 39 USD
10 g: 6 USD   250 g: 89 USD
25 g: 13 USD   1000 g: 310 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 30 m.


Laurelia sempervirens
(Laurel, Trihue)

1 g:     50 g: 40 USD
5 g: 8 USD   100 g: 75 USD
10 g: 12 USD   250 g: 170 USD
25 g: 24 USD   1000 g: 590 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 90 cm.


Libertia chilensis
(Calle-calle, Tequel-tequel)

This an interesting option for warmer climates (no freezing) and lots of water. It grows easily and is quick; it has medium-size white flowers and is a krafty plant.

1 g: 9 USD   50 g: 123 USD
5 g: 25 USD   100 g: 228 USD
10 g: 37 USD   250 g: 518 USD
25 g: 74 USD   1000 g: 1800 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Average germination, 30 - 60 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 10 m.


Lomatia ferruginea
(Fuinque, Palmilla)

1 g:     50 g: 38 USD
5 g: 6 USD   100 g: 72 USD
10 g: 10 USD   250 g: 170 USD
25 g: 20 USD   1000 g: 650 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

MedicinalTimberIndustrial Use


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 15 m.


Lomatia hirsuta
(Radal, Raral, Nogal silvestre)

1 g:     50 g: 16 USD
5 g:     100 g: 30 USD
10 g: 5 USD   250 g: 69 USD
25 g: 10 USD   1000 g: 240 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

MedicinalEdible plant


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 8 m.


Luma chequen
(Chequen, Arrayan blanco)

1 g:     50 g: 27 USD
5 g: 6 USD   100 g: 51 USD
10 g: 8 USD   250 g: 115 USD
25 g: 16 USD   1000 g: 400 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Some ornamental value (B)



Luzuriaga polyphylla
(Quilineja, Coral, Azahar)

1 g: 10 USD   50 g: 137 USD
5 g: 28 USD   100 g: 253 USD
10 g: 41 USD   250 g: 575 USD
25 g: 82 USD   1000 g: 2000 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

Good ornamental value (A)


Luzuriaga radicans
(Quilineja, Coral, Azahar)

1 g:     50 g: 55 USD
5 g: 11 USD   100 g: 101 USD
10 g: 16 USD   250 g: 230 USD
25 g: 33 USD   1000 g: 800 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 80 cm.


Maytenus chubutensis
(Maiten de Chubut)

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 102 USD
5 g: 21 USD   100 g: 190 USD
10 g: 31 USD   250 g: 431 USD
25 g: 61 USD   1000 g: 1500 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 60 cm.


Maytenus disticha
(Racoma, Maitencito)

1 g:     50 g: 41 USD
5 g: 8 USD   100 g: 76 USD
10 g: 12 USD   250 g: 173 USD
25 g: 25 USD   1000 g: 600 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 15 cm.


Melosperma andicola

1 g: 10 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 8 m.


Mitraria coccinea
(Botellita, Vochi-vochi)

1 g: 50 USD   50 g: 683 USD
5 g: 138 USD   100 g: 1265 USD
10 g: 205 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 410 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)

Edible plant


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 3 m.


Myrceugenia chrysocarpa
(Luma blanca, pitrilla)

1 g:     50 g: 27 USD
5 g:     100 g: 51 USD
10 g: 8 USD   250 g: 115 USD
25 g: 16 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 40 m.


Nothofagus alpina
(Raulí, Roblí)

1 g:     50 g: 27 USD
5 g: 6 USD   100 g: 51 USD
10 g: 8 USD   250 g: 115 USD
25 g: 16 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-10º C down to -15º C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 40 m.


Nothofagus dombeyi
(Coihue, Coigüe)

1 g:     50 g: 29 USD
5 g: 6 USD   100 g: 54 USD
10 g: 9 USD   250 g: 86 USD
25 g: 17 USD   1000 g: 300 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 50 cm.


Ochagavia carnea

1 g: 8 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 24 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 35 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Average germination, 30 - 60 %

Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 20 m.


Peumus boldus

1 g:     50 g: 9 USD
5 g:     100 g: 16 USD
10 g:     250 g: 37 USD
25 g: 5 USD   1000 g: 130 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 1.8 m.


Physalis viscosa

1 g: 7 USD   50 g: 102 USD
5 g: 21 USD   100 g: 190 USD
10 g: 31 USD   250 g: 431 USD
25 g: 61 USD   1000 g: 1500 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Excellent ornamental value (A +)



Phytolacca bogotensis
(Papa cimarrona)

1 g:     50 g: 41 USD
5 g: 8 USD   100 g: 76 USD
10 g: 12 USD   250 g: 173 USD
25 g: 25 USD   1000 g: 600 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plantTimber


No ornamental value (C)

Height: 18 m.


Prumnopitys andina
(Lleuque, Uva de cordillera)

1 g:     50 g: 23 USD
5 g: 5 USD   100 g: 43 USD
10 g: 7 USD   250 g: 98 USD
25 g: 14 USD   1000 g: 340 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 2 m.


Pseudopanax valdiviensis
(Traumen, Curaco, Voqui naranjillo)

1 g: 8 USD   50 g: 116 USD
5 g: 24 USD   100 g: 215 USD
10 g: 35 USD   250 g: 489 USD
25 g: 70 USD   1000 g: 1700 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plant


Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 7 m.


Rhaphithamnus spinosus
(Arrayán macho, Espino blanco, Huayún)

1 g:     50 g: 25 USD
5 g: 5 USD   100 g: 46 USD
10 g: 7 USD   250 g: 104 USD
25 g: 15 USD   1000 g: 360 USD


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Some ornamental value (B)

Height: 1.5 m.


Ribes gayanum
(Parilla, Zarzaparilla, Uvilla)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

MedicinalEdible plant


Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 3 m.


Ribes magellanicum
(Uvilla, Parilla)

1 g: 8 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 24 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 35 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.Deep ravines facing south with additional shadow from trees. Or with a very dense vegetation cover which gives 80 - 90 % shadow (for instance, the Valdivian forests)



Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 6 m.


Sarmienta repens

1 g: 30 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 120 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 200 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate freezing.

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Dry, arid areas, with long draught periods of 6 - 10 months. Precipitations of 100 mm - 300 mm. are concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 6 m.


Schinus latifolius

1 g:     50 g: 7 USD
5 g:     100 g: 13 USD
10 g:     250 g: 29 USD
25 g:     1000 g: 100 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)



Scyphanthus elegans

1 g: 8 USD   50 g:  
5 g: 24 USD   100 g:  
10 g: 35 USD   250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good germination, 60 - 80 %

Good ornamental value (A)



Senna arnottiana
(Quebracho, Alcaparra, Tara)

1 g:     50 g: 10 USD
5 g:     100 g: 19 USD
10 g:     250 g: 43 USD
25 g: 6 USD   1000 g: 150 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

The plant grows in water or it has its roots within a permanent water course. This corresponds to marshes, bogs, water courses, lake and river shores.Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 80 cm.


Sisyrinchium cuspidatum

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g:  


The plant tolerates low temperatures (-5º C), can tolerate occasional snow cover for up to a couple of weeks per year.

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Fully exposed to sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 1.2 m.


Sisyrinchium striatum
(Huilmo amarillo, Ñuño)

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 40 cm.


Solenomelus pedunculatus

1 g: 5 USD   50 g: 68 USD
5 g: 14 USD   100 g: 127 USD
10 g: 20 USD   250 g:  
25 g: 41 USD   1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.



Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 10 m.


Sophora cassioides
(Pelú, Mayu-monte, Pilo)

1 g:     50 g: 8 USD
5 g:     100 g: 14 USD
10 g:     250 g: 32 USD
25 g: 5 USD   1000 g: 110 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Excellent ornamental value (A +)

Height: 3 m.


Tropaeolum ciliatum

1 g: 15 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.

Edible plantMedicinal


Low germination, less than 30 %

Good ornamental value (A)


Ugni molinae
(Murta, Murta blanca, Tautau, Murtilla)

1 g:     50 g: 20 USD
5 g:     100 g: 38 USD
10 g: 6 USD   250 g: 86 USD
25 g: 12 USD   1000 g: 300 USD


The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional freezing spells of about - 3º C (the typical morning frost of central Chile)

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).Somewhat dry areas where the draught may last 4 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm, concentrated in winter.Some protection against the sun, some shadow from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 40 % of light.Steep slopes facing south. Or with a vegetation cover which filters 40 - 80 % of light.


Good ornamental value (A)

Height: 30 cm.


Viola portalesia
(Violeta arbustiva)

1 g: 60 USD   50 g:  
5 g:     100 g:  
10 g:     250 g:  
25 g:     1000 g:  



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