Alstroemeria exerens English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Alstroemeria philippii var. albicans English Name:Inca Lily Family:Alstroemeriaceae E | Anemone moorei Family:Ranunculaceae E |
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This is a high mountain beautiful Alstroemeria. It is rather low, but has huge flowers, either pink or whitish The easiest form to germinate this species is to plant it in autumn and expose the seeds to natural temperature fluctuations. If you decide to do it "scientifically," soak...
| This is one of the most rare plants in Chile. Currently, it is known to grow in one very restricted area with two locations. It has beautiful and big white flowers and grows like a small shrub. We have not tried out this plant yet, but it appears that it would need rich organic, somewhat acid soil,...

Arachnitis uniflora Family:Corsiaceae N | Argylia radiata color type pink Family:Bignoniaceae E | Argythamnia tricuspidata Family:Euphorbiaceae E |
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This is one of the strangest Chilean plants. It does not have any chlorophyll so that it can not generate its proper energy from the sunlight as almost all plants do. Instead it lives off...

Austrocactus philippi Family:Cactaceae E | Barneoudia major var. major Family:Ranunculaceae N | Berberidopsis corallina Family:Berberidopsidaceae E |
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This is one of the most rare and amazing plants in Chile. Only two locations are known where it can be found, and the last location was discovered just recently by the University of Talca. It seems that the first location was plundered, because there were no reports of seeing it there lately. So...
| According to Eduardo Ruiz, Flora de Chile, vol. 2, p. 50, the distribution of this plant goes from 32 34 y 34 15 S; however, we have found this plant at Paso Vergara of the 7th Region, at a latitude of 35 10 S, at an altitude of 2800 m. This plant prefers damp semi-swampy...

Bipinnula plumosa Family:Orchidaceae E | Calandrinia sp. #1212 Family:Portulacaceae E | Calceolaria nitida Family:Scrophulariaceae E |
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