Acacia caven English Name:Roman Cassie/Aromita/Aromo Criollo Family:Fabaceae N | Acacia dealbata Family:Fabaceae F | Acacia melanoxylon Family:Fabaceae F |
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This is a small tree or shrub, quite common in Chile. It is easy to germinate and easy grow, it grows quite fast, reaching almost 2 m. by the end of the second year. It is not demanding in as far as soil is concerned, and requires little watering. It is not very hardy, but can withstand freezing...
| This is an exotic plant, very invasive in central areas of Chile, but also very beautful due to its abundant golden flowers. In Chile entire areas turn gold in early spring when it begins to bloom.
It was used as a source of yellow dye from flowers and for soil stabilization due...
| This is not a Chilean, but Australian...

Acaena alpina Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena antarctica Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena argentea Family:Rosaceae N |
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This is a very common plant in Chile, forming carpets in the higher reaches of the mountains, and all of the local huasos, the Chilean cowboys, know it too well, because it sticks to the skin of the horses, clothes, etc. The good thing about is that its thorns are relatively soft. Still it makes a...
| The germination of this species is not very complicated, but you should do the cold stratification. You can avoid it by planting the seeds in autumn and exposing them to natural cold stratification during winter time. If you decide to do it "scientifically," soak the seeds for two...

Acaena caespitosa Family:Rosaceae S | Acaena integerrima Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena magellanica Family:Rosaceae N |
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This plant is common at medium elevations in central Chile and is easy to grow. Of the acaenas, it is not very known, but I find it very much attractive due to its small, compact leaves which form a carpet, small, almost pigmy size which would fit almost anyplace, and the fruits do not have the...
| The name of this plant, "Acaena magellanica," is somewhat misleading, because it grows in many places in Chile, not just in the extreme south of Patagonia. as with many acaenas, it does not present major problems for cultivation, requires light soil, is hardy. The germination of this...

Acaena ovalifolia Family:Rosaceae | Acaena pinnatifida Family:Rosaceae N | Acaena sericea Family:Rosaceae N |
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| The plant is very beautiful and stange-looking when it is blooming, it has nice leaves, but when the fruits reach maturity it becomes extremely unpleasant - the fruits have sharp and quite strong thorns which get entangled in the clothing and make walking across the fields of these plants in Chile...